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What about Orgain?


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Our family is starting the Whole30, however our 13-year old daughter normally drinks 2 Orgain drinks (whey) per day as a supplement since she has Crohn's. She needs the calories plus Orgain has had good effects. I'm thinking of switching her to the Vegan flavor for the first 2 weeks, then reducing to 1 per day, and then maybe stopping the Orgain the last week to see what happens. I'm afraid to skip it for 30 days. She does not need to lose weight and it appears to help with nutrient absorption. Plus it has  been recommended to me by other Crohn's patients who also control the condition through diet and supplements only. (She will not drink Absorb Plus.) Anyone have related experience to share? Thanks!

Ingredients: Vegan flavor is non-dairy, has 9g of sugar, and contains Organic brown rice, hemp, chia, flax, 


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This is not compliant on the 'no smoothies' recommendation as well as the ingredients.

We're not doctors or experts in medical conditions so we can't say whether or not you should take her off this supplement.  The suggestion would surely be tho to find a way to get the same nutrients in without the grains... crohns is a condition that is directly attached to inflammation in the body and grains are an inflammatory food... 

I would think in this case, as she is a child, perhaps you can do some research into making your own smoothies with compliant ingredients... its definitely your call and as she is a child with medical conditions, no one is going to chastise you for your decision, however it's worth it to see what you can do to reduce that inflammation.  I would also be concerned with what other ingredients that these products have that you haven't listed, such as soy... 

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