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106 days in!!


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Happy New Years! I hope everyone has a great and safe one. I'm celebrating my 106th day tonight (small steak and sweet potatoes). I have lost 74 lbs and I started the gym 2 days ago! Super excited and looking forward to much more. I have been repeatedly asked when I'm gonna stop....I feel so good....I'm planning on the whole Life! Why not eat right and feel great? if it works, why stop? My blood pressure is down 30 points and I'm down 5 pant sizes. The key to my victory is totally psychological....I can't weigh myself weekly...been doing monthly. I change things up a lot. The whole 30 can become monotonous and boring. Your body needs change and once it gets used to anything, it plateaus. Stay strong stay whole!


Best of luck and stay focused!

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Amazing accomplishments.  Did you lose all your weight during your 106 days of W30?  I don't need to drop any weight but I am curious about your statement " the key to my victory is totally psychological" (I do agree with you.) .  Would you mind sharing about your psychological journey?  Since you have been so successful. it might be helpful to others.  Good luck at the gym!

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Thanks for the kind words...I lost 40 lbs in the first 30 days....then I plateaued for 3 weeks, then lost the rest after my plateau. I been in a relationship for 5 years now and I did this wh30 by myself. She was great for encouragement,  but she didn't want to change her eating habits, which was super hard. The withdraws are crazy, and the last thing you want is food you can't have around you. I'm also a sheriff deputy, constantly being around work there is tons of sweets and non compliant food around me. I have to hold myself responsible....I can't blame others for my downfalls. If something isn't good for you, make the changes and focus on how those changes make you feel. 

One of my biggest food battles is waste...it's like a cardinal sin to waste food. I'm typically obsessed with it. For 3 months I have kept non compliant  (non perishables) foods in my home. I'm the cook in my home, so if I wasn't cooking it, it wasn't being used. I didn't wanna waste it....I also didn't wanna give it away, because it's expensive and deep in my mind I figured I wouldnt last and then I could resume my normal eating habits. 2 weeks ago I gave all my food to a person in need. It felt fgood to help someone....not that I don't do that kind of stuff 4 days a week at work as it is (help others).

I wish I could teach people how to gain the strength to make these changes, but in my mind it just comes down to inner strength and will power. I always joked I could teach anyone to be fat....that's easy. I laugh when I hear skinny folks make comments like "I can't gain weight" or "I can eat whatever I want and I just can't gain weight."  The key to being fat....eat lots of crap and be sedentary! So it would only make sense to be skinny is to eat right and be more active. 

The best thing I did for myself was I changed my shift to a busier shift. It worked for me....I'm always doing something and I have time to focus on me. I take my dog for a walk...I do yoga and stretching. I joined the YMCA....I started swimming and playing raquetball. I got my life back!


Why can't you?


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