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Looking for suggestions in Charlotte, NC or Chain Restaurants


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Hi guys! I'm new to the program (going on day 4!) Does anyone else live in Charlotte and have any suggestions for restaurants/items on the menu you've found success with? I was successful with one in Plaza Midwood: Bang Bang Burger by ordering their burger bowl (basically a salad) but was hoping for some other suggestions.

I also travel a lot to other parts of the country so if anyone has any regular items they'd like to share from other chain restaurants that'd be great too! 

Thanks in advance!

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Following :)  I live in Charlotte and just started my first Whole 30. The only restaurant I can add to the list, which is pricey, is 131 Main.  Obviously, you are sticking to grilled meats and roasted veggies or salad, but it is quality and tastes amazing!

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