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Round 2, started Jan. 2, 2017


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Day 26. I'm feeling pretty DANG good! That rough patch that I hit a few days back, in which I grew pretty bored with my food, motivated me to try some new things. I made the Napa Slaw from the new Whole30 cookbook. (Good! Even for breakfast, .... er, I mean MEAL 1.) And last night, we had "burgers and fries." (I roasted some cubed up sweet potatoes with onions, ghee, salt and pepper and cooked some burgers in the cast iron skillet. Made fry sauce with my homemade mayo and freaking ate almost all of it! I was so hungry for the bulk and that satisfied me!)

Just 5 days left on the reset and although a few days ago I was feeling very nervous about rolling over into the reintroduction, today I'm feeling very hopeful!

And I can't wait to weigh myself (Wednesday is the day!). :D

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10 hours ago, aprilb said:

That rough patch that I hit a few days back, in which I grew pretty bored with my food, motivated me to try some new things.

All the cliches are true! "It's always darkest before the dawn", etc. :)

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Day 28. I want to be sure I document that I NEARLY WENT OFF PROGRAM LAST NIGHT. It was Saturday night. My boys were watching The Secret Life of Pets and I was sewing. And normally that would be ... wine time. I came so close to calling 27.5 days "close enough." :( I'm so glad I didn't. I made a giant salad to go with some fried eggs for dinner (I was also feeling fed up with constantly doing dishes) and rode it out. Then we got into bed, and I just wanted chocolate! We still have a bag of Ghirardelli squares leftover from Christmas (truth be known, the only reason its not long gone by now is that I haven't been eating any!) and hubby tapped into it. It was excruciating and I just went to sleep to get over it! LOL You would think I'd have a bit more resolve after all I've been through????

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Day 29 here. I'm ecstatic about the thought of getting to weigh myself in 48 hours! TBH I'm not expecting a very big number, because I'm so close to where I want to be, with not much to lose. At the same time, though, every pound counts at this size and so even a few peeling off makes a big difference. I do know I've lost.

Actually, though, the weight has not been the primary motivation for doing this round. I did this round because I did not learn and take away what I felt I needed to from the first. Even during the first round, I really struggled. I was resentful. I barely made it through some days, and I longed for all of the foods and beverages I "couldn't have" a LOT. This time, in contrast, I had moments of that, but the difference has been that I feel I truly embraced the opportunity to reset and heal myself ... one meal at a time. With that as my primary thought, the dishes stacking up (AGAIN!) don't seem as awful to deal with, the days go by FAST, and I was able to maintain my sense of humor throughout. Its been a great ride, no matter what the scale will tell me Wednesday.

Food Freedom Forever OR BUST!

Because it is so easy to forget the little things that make a big difference, I am going to start a list of my NSVs!

  • My face is no longer puffy. It is CRAZY different from the "before" pictures I took on the morning of Day 1!
  • My "bacne" (back acne) that I thought was par for the course with all of the working out I do, is gone. My back is smooth as a baby's butt, and I can't wait to show it off when the weather gets warmer!
  • My singing voice! Seriously the most surprising NSV! I noticed this the last round, too! My singing voice is FREE. Its difficult to fully explain, but I feel that I'm not fighting it. It feels effortless. High register doesn't feel like I'm up against a strain or a block ... it just happens.
  • My workout recovery. This one took a while, and I would say that in the first half or so of this round, I was having a hard time. Part of my difficulty may have been due to having such low carb reserves? Not sure but I did make some adjustments, and in the second round, I have noticed a HUGE difference! Workouts that previously would leave me feeling destroyed and needing to take a day off to recover are not like that at all now! I still feel them and know I've done myself some good, but I'm not walking like Frankenstein after leg day and such anymore! Crazy!
  • I kind of forgot that I used to have wine every night. This is huge. That was a habit, and part of why I came back for a second round. I just needed to get off of the booze. It was not doing me any favors whatsoever. My primary issue with it was how I was sleeping like total CRAP. (And how ironic that I felt reluctant to give it up because I was worried I wouldn't be able to fall asleep.) Nowadays, I pretty much forget that I used to have wine so often, and tea or water are my new nighttime habits! Which leads me into my next one ...
  • I sleep like a freaking teenager! Although I have great energy during the day, I can really fall asleep at any time and sleep a good 9 hours! Literally, we have had some nights in which my son wanted to sleep in our bed (he got sick about halfway through this round) and it was actually way too early for hubby and I to go to bed, but we did anyway and I wound up sleeping great! I don't wake up during the night, either! In fact, hubby one time told me that our son had cried multiple times in the night, and I only heard him once. I'm sleeping so solid!
  • I noticed this one in the first round, but it bears repeating: the anxiety that I never knew I had before I did a Whole30, ... is gone. This is another big part of why I'm back to take the reintroduction seriously. Something is causing this. Unbeknownst to me, I'd been living with a fair amount of ongoing anxiety before the first round of Whole30, and didn't realize it because I'd gradually adjusted to living with it. Feeling it melt away, and feeling myself become so much more emotionally resilient has been amazing. Which leads into my next one ...
  • Dealing with heartbreak/loss/emotional duress without falling face first into a bottle of Pinot Noir and bag of Ghirardelli squares! On Day 19 of this round, I had to put my beloved kitty cat down. She was almost 22 and like my first child. She'd been with me literally half of my life and I could not imagine a life without her there at my side. It was a VERY hard day with a lot of tears and headache from said tears. Followed by a weepy weekend. I stayed compliant. I. Will. Overcome.
  • Sometimes I drink my coffee black even when I have plenty of full-fat coconut milk available to cream it up with. Hubby does, too! (He's on what he calls the "partial 30" plan and has lost about 10 lbs by making just a few minor adjustments!)

I'm sure there will be more that I'll think of, but those are the ones that stand out to me right now! SO HAPPY!

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Day 30, how did you come so fast this time? Savoring one last day here! I have been good to the letter and have not for one second contemplated stepping on a scale, and yet I feel like a million bucks! Going to give it one last good shot here, and then on to my #foodfreedomforever journey! Can't wait! Before I go, here are a few more NSVs that I have thought of.

  • Prior to this round of Whole30, I had this weird chapped lip thing. My lips would get severely chapped to the point where my husband noticed when I gave him a little peck of a kiss. Then they would peel and be OK for a day or two, and then another round of chapped. It sounds inconsequential in comparison to severe medical conditions that other people have had to deal with, but it was a constant level of discomfort. That went away about halfway (ish) through my Whole30.
  • "NEW" CLOTHES. Due to my build (extreme long legs), it is very difficult to find stylish pants, and when I do, they usually cost a fair amount. I have two pairs of CUTE dress pants in Extra Long from Express that I had been unable to wear for about 2-3 years because I was carrying some extra pounds that now magically fit! I also discovered, in the bottom of my drawer, a cute pair of workout pants that I was surprised I still had because even when I first bought them, they never really fit that great. (Bought them off the table at Costco without trying them on.) I remember having considered donating them and must have thought that I already had, because I completely forgot about them. Anyway, I pulled them out a few days ago, and they look pretty rockin'! And I  can't wait for shorts season. :D
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