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How many times a day can I eat?


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I have read and read all over the page and plan and cannot see anywhere it says how many times a day one should eat.  I have seen snippets of ideas of how one eats and I think I have figured it out for my profile (47 years old, 238 lbs):  I will eat 3 meals a day and then have 2 snacks in between each meal.  The first "snack" on day 1 will be coffee with ghee and the second snack on day 1 will be a handful of raw unsalted almonds.

I will also use some of these ideas on this page http://whole30.com/whole30-approved/  in order to make safe decisions about those snacks.


I am posting to see if anyone thinks I should not do these snacks.




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I'm fairly sure (may be wrong) that one of the big things with whole30 is that you eat when you're hungry and the plan teaches you when you actually are hungry and not just craving things etc.

So just eat when you're hungry. 3 meals and 2 snacks sound totally fine to me! And your snacks are perfectly compliant so don't worry (I personally wouldn't count the coffee as a snack but that's just me)

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41 minutes ago, Steven88 said:

 I will eat 3 meals a day and then have 2 snacks in between each meal

Nope. Unless your day is particularly long aim for three meals a day, the first within an hour of wakening. Pre & post work-out meals if required. Protein calculated by the size of your palm, regardless of your weight & height....

>Here's a link to the meal planning template.<

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