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To have desert or not before my start on 1/16


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Hello! I am starting whole30 on 1/16. I have been eating paleo for about eight weeks now and incorporating whole30 things in for the last couple of weeks. I know my stevia will be missed in my tea. I have not had deserts in eight weeks and am wondering if I should go have a piece of carrot cake before I start the whole30 or if it will just make it harder. Part of me wants to have the treat and part of me is afraid that it will make my 30 days harder if I do. I am a junk food junkie after all.



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Fruit flies that had been accustomed to eating the artificial sweetner, sucralose, stevia and so on... ate 30% more than those who ate  real sugar.

The artificial sweetness doesn't correspond correctly in the brain. The brain compensates by making everyone feel more hungry.

Listen to this song instead.  Another hit of sugar really is cocaine for the brain. Take 3 songs and call us in the morning. You'll be glad you didn't do any pre-mini dessert meals.


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You haven't had carrot cake (or dessert) in 8 weeks but now that you know you CAN"T have it for 30 days, you want it...:)

I would probably decline the cake... it'll be there for when you're done... use it to test gluten grains?

I don't think one piece of carrot cake three or four days before your Whole30 is going to make or break it, but you should be really really proud of the last 8 weeks... keep that amazing stretch going!

Oh, I missed the 'junk food junky' comment... definitely don't do the cake then :)

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