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Time to cut out fresh fruit?


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Hello everyone! I am planning on starting a whole 30 with a friend in a few weeks after I get back from a trip. I have done several whole 30s in the past with less than stellar outcomes. Admiringly, I have a really hard time taming my sugar dragon and I find myself feeding it with 'technically compliant' fresh fruit. I know this is not in the spirit of the program, but it seems so extreme to cut out fresh fruit in addition to everything else! I've tried cutting out fruit and anything that even tastes sweet in the past and it makes me feel so deprived it leads to binges.

Is this just a wave I need to ride out? Double down with the willpower for the first week or two to get over the sugar cravings? Has anyone else found themselves feeling out of control with fresh fruit? I've tried limiting myself to two servings per day, but it almost seems easier not to have any at all because once I have SOME I want MORE and MORE and MORE. It helps to not eat fruit by itself- only incorporated into dishes, but I find that the sweet flavor can still be a trigger. 

In 'Food Freedom Forever' I love the idea of the craving buster reset, and am thinking I need to add fresh fruit to the restricted list in addition to dried fruit, nuts and nut butters. 

I would love to hear about anyone else's experiences/thoughts/opinions -- thank you in advance!

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I find that when I have a few pieces of fresh fruit at the very end of a meal that I'm so full I can't overdo it. Esp if I had a proper Whole30 meal with enough healthy fats and protein. :) Maybe you didn't eat enough when you were on Whole30 and that was a contributing factor to the sugar binging? 

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If I was you, I would ditch the fruit... not forever, but it sounds to me like you are using it to prop up sugar cravings... and since you want to get away from sugar cravings, you'll want to remove those triggers.  You may be surprised to note that many of our veteren Whole30'rs choose not to eat fruit... not just on their Whole30 but also for their life after.  It's put in the same category of other things that have a 'worth it or not worth it' question put to them before eating.

Try it... the answer to whether you just have to power through tho is yes, unfortunately in order to kill a sugar dragon, you have to starve him/her out... cold turkey... 

This is an ideal time to do it tho... summer would be much more difficult so consider that you're doing the winter work to understand how fruit fits into your eating plan :)

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@SugarcubeODYou know... even as I was writing the post I think I knew the answer to my question ..Especially because of the fact I think "FRUIT?! I could NEVER give up fruit! I love it too much!" It's gotta go for the reset. 

Thank you so much for the thoughtful and well composed post. And that's really good to know that others struggle with fruit as well! I had never heard much talk about it so I felt like I was the only one who could eat an entire bag of grapes in a day....

looking forward to relaxing on this upcoming trip and mentally preparing to starve this dang sugar dragon!!

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