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Dates as fruit serving


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I have a ton of fruit allergies- basically all I can eat are bananas, oranges, and berries.  Since they are not in season berries are too expensive to buy very much of, and a girl will get real tired of bananas and oranges at every meal.  I picked up some Dates in the produce section today- I know I am not supposed to binge on them because they are so sweet but can I have a few with a meal as my fruit?   For reference, the package says a serving is 60g and contains 38 g sugar (naturally occurring, obviously).

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You don't need fruit at every meal. A serving a day is plenty for many people. Some people eat no fruit. 

And you can find frozen berries. 

Dates are fine if--IF--you don't snack on them, they don't crowd veggies off your plate AND if they are not a "food with no brakes" for you (as they are for some people. 

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No offense but thawed out frozen berries taste disgusting except if blended into something like a smoothie. They get all slimy and squishy.  It's good to know though I don't have to worry too much about fruits.

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