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Cold & Flu while on Whole30-got me off plan


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Under doctors orders I went dairy/ gluten free which led to me feeling amazing which led me to whole30.  About 2 weeks ago,  I got a cold which has now morphed into Bronchitis and I feel like garbage.  Why when I feel like garbage do I want to put garbage into my body!?  I am not on a 30 day right now but have been eating a Paleo diet.  The last 4 days I have lost desire:energy to get in the kitchen and take care of my food prep and myself.  I've beeen sucking on cough drops that contain sugar and have been consuming honey.   Being Insulin Resistant this was a very poor choice on my part as now the insatiable hunger is back.  I want All.The.bread and I just ate 2 pancakes so I could take my antibiotics WHAT?????  (thanks for not putting them away DH) what the heck did I just do!?   HAS anyone experienced a terrible/cold or flu?  What do you take?  What home remedies do you use that are sugar/honey free?   I believe that introducing the sugar from the cough drops started a downward spiral.  Time to reset ASAP. 

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You could try peppermint tea, unsweetened obviously. Warm salt water gargles. Diluted vinegar gargles if you are desperate and could stand it. Saline sinus rinses, just make sure you use distilled or boiled water. Hope you feel better soon. I think I'm coming down with a cold, too. I'm on day 13 of my Whole 30, and really hoping I can maintain the energy to do my food prep.

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