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Riding my bike...and crashing straight into a pint (or two) of Ben and Jerrys


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The whole 30 was an amazing experience for me. I felt happier, more at peace with my food choices, and more comfortable in my own skin. I followed  the reintroduction schedule, and was then left on my own to figure things out. And it did not go well. I sit here, writing this post, after a chick-fil-a and ben & jerrys binge.. I've never been more confused. When I was on the plan, everything was so easy. And now that I'm done with reintroduction, I know peanuts give me stomach pain and indigestion, and that dairy makes my stomach upset, and causes my skin to break out. But here I am, up to my elbows in the things that hurt my body the worst. Does/did anyone else struggle like this??

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I know where you're coming from although so far I haven't had a binge post-Whole30. Before Whole30 I struggled with binge eating since I was a teenager (15+ yrs), think full size bags of chips, candy, ice cream etc eaten in secret. I can go months (or even years) without a binge but it always comes back, usually during times of high stress.

I had a really successful Whole30 in January and just finished up my reintro's on Thursday. I'm "riding my own bike" and it's terrifying. I feel like I am on the edge of a cliff and it's only a matter of time before I fall off.

Have you read Food Freedom Forever? I highly recommend it. It gives strategies for when you go off the rails (and Melissa says we will all at some point probably slip back into our pre-Whole30 habits). I know that might sound even scarier but to me it's also somewhat comforting. We aren't in this alone and other people have the same struggles.

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I so get it. Things seem so easy, I have no cravings, I'm so happy, feeling invincible, and then suddenly, I'm running to 7-11 for junk food and stuffing it in my mouth as soon as I'm in the parking lot. And the worst thing is that I don't know if or when I'll get back on the wagon. 

Today is the last day of my first Whole30 and I feel like I'll be okay. Of course I typically feel this way when I'm doing well on some new diet...

So I think I'll check out that book. Thanks, Amanda and Sunny!

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