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Binge Eating

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Hello All, 

I made it Day 11, and although my whole30 was not perfect I stuck to the plan pretty well. I read that Day 10-11 are the days people are most likely to quit...I decided to have a glass of wine, even though I knew it was off the program I thought one glass wouldn't hurt me. Well 1 glass lead to 2 which lead to a couple snacks, and then lead to a full binge eating session.


Honestly, the wine tasted sooo sweet to me that I didn't even really care for it. After drinking I thought I just wanted a "little" something sweet. That little something lead to cereal, cookies, ice cream, and almond butter straight out of the jar. 


I'm not sure how to overcome this urge to binge. Any advice? Im ready to get back on track tomorrow. 

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taylor, Day 1 tomorrow, then, right? My Day 11 reset was that I stepped on the scale... I'm a scale junkie!! Ouch! So I restarted 3/1/17. I wrestling with weighing myself again this morning, Day 4 --- WHY?!? I asked  myself, and went to the "Off-Roading" chart and used the desire to weigh myself as the questionable thing. Are you using the chart? I printed out three of them - one on frig, one on main food cupboard, and one to keep with me...

Admitting I am powerless... the Anonymous step... helps me

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I'd definitely think about why you decided to have the first glass of wine. Was it stress? Boredom? Habit? It sounds like if you could figure out how to avoid that first glass of wine, the rest wouldn't have happened, so really think about this. If you can figure out why, and then find ways to deal with that scenario next time, it'll be less likely to end in a binge in the future. When you do figure out the why part, if you can't figure out a good way to plan for it going forward, come back and post in the forum again. I can almost guarantee you someone here will have dealt with a similar situation and be able to offer some kind of advice that's helped them.


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