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Gluten - Is This Possible?

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Hello All,

I had an odd experience and I'm wondering if I'm just imagining things or if this really happened.  I have done a couple Whole 30s now and even before that I drastically cut back on gluten several years ago.  After this Whole 30 though, at one point I had a bit of gluten every day for several days.  By a bit, I mean one meal might have had a sandwich in it; I'd never have a muffin for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and pasta for dinner, nothing that extreme.  Until Saturday, that is.  This past Saturday basically turned into a gluten party, complete with pizza and wheat beer.  I felt so awful after.  I got a very bad migraine headache a couple days later as well.  The digestive issues took several days to resolve.  

So, my question is, is it possible that having a little gluten doesn't bother me, but having a lot does?  Or, is this just in my head?  Was I in denial that it didn't bother me before?  Or am I attributing bad feelings to something that was just a coincidence?  Has anyone else experienced this or heard of this?


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My husband finds that with small amounts of gluten (ex: flour used to thicken a sauce or a bit of soy sauce that contains wheat) he doesn't have any issues, but if he eats bread, drinks beer, or consumes more gluten he gets headaches and other symptoms. The more you consume of an irritant, the more symptoms you will have. 

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Yep, this is totally possible and extremely common. For instance, I can have some dairy. Some sour cream on chili or some ice cream or a yogurt from time to time. If I eat dairy every day or even a couple times a week, I get major skin issues.

Similarly, I can have a piece of birthday cake and be just fine. But give me bread and muffins and cookies on a regular basis and I am bloated, in pain, constipated and my sleep is terrible.

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