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Georgina2 Reintro Log


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I wasn't planning on doing a reintro right away, but it seems to be happening regardless so I guess I need to move my log over here.

3/14  Wake up 6:30

Meal 1 @ 7:00 Steak, sweet potato, olives, blackberries

Meal 2 @ 11:30 salad w/ red leaf lettuce, 1 avocado, olives, beets, pine nuts, balsamico.  Forgot to bring a protein

Snack @ 3:30 coconut milk latte

Pre w/o @ 4:45 venison epic bar, bison epic bar

Meal 3 @ 8:30 steak, acorn squash w/ ghee, 1/2 avocado w/ cilantro

Generally feeling tired and stressed.  Somewhat broken out on temples and chest/back.  Did not react well to latte + two epic bars pre w/o- had bad stomach upset after.

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I think it was the latte.  I got it at Bigby and it's the first time I've bought coffee out since being on the w30.  Normally I've been having coffee with just a little coconut cream in it.  I also wonder if maybe their coconut milk had any additives or sugar in it?  I didn't ask since technically I'm not in my 30 days any more.  It really ran through me though, all night in fact. :(

3/14 bed at 11:00 tossed and turned all night

3/15 woke up at 7:15

Meal 1 @ 7:30 steak, avocado, sweet potato, coffee w/ cc.  Stomach is still a little unhappy.  My acne is a lot worse too.  Expecting my period any day now so maybe it's hormones and not food causing the breakout?




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It's also a possibility that I could be reacting to the strawberries and grapes I've been eating.  I've been a little suspicious of strawberries for a couple weeks now, and apparently they have cross reactivity with cherries, which I'm very allergic to.  I really, really don't want this to be the case as I am already so limited in fruits- but I should probably cut them out for a while too and then try reintroducing separately. 

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If you've already cut out other foods, might as well cut them out, too, and give them their own reintroduction day - see if you can figure out if they're an issue. Could very well have been the latte, though.

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Yeah, I figure I might as well.  My skin is getting worse by the minute!  Would love to know if it is hormonal or food related.  Also starting to wonder why I am a day late now... definitely not pregnant, maybe stress.


Meal 2 @ 2:00 steak, acorn squash with lots of ghee, olives

Snack @ 7:00 epic venison bar, coffee w/ cc

Meal 3 @ 8:30 2 fried eggs, bacon, spinach in butter*

*yes, butter.  I ran out of ghee and didn't have time to make clarified butter yet.  We'll see what happens, it's probably not enough for a true dairy reinto.

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3/15 bedtime I can't really remember?  I was working late, maybe 11-11:30.

3/16 woke up at 6:50.  Major tummy upset still, spent forever in the bathroom this morning with liquid poops.  Yuck.  Last remnants of that latte maybe?  I don't think fruit would do this, especially fruit I used to eat on a regular basis.  Either that or I caught a stomach bug.  Acne is a little better today mainly because I put a ton of stuff on it yesterday and this morning.

Meal 1 @ 8:30 white fish and peas cooked in ghee.  Didn't want to risk adding any more fat 

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Meal 2 @ 1:00 cup of cheddar broccoli soup, small salad w/ mozzarella and pesto, 'simply lemonade' - stomach started hurting while I was eating.  Hoping it was just too much food/ too rich and not a dairy reaction.  Gotta say I've missed sweet drinks, the lemonade is to die for.

Kind of obsessing about weight again since I started reintros.  I don't want to put any back on.  Weighed myself this morning and I'd lost another pound (down to 127.4) but that may be because everything has passed through my body in the last 24 hours (sorry to be gross).

Period started at lunch, finally.  At least that might explain the zits.

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I could be wrong, but I'm assuming that the weight loss is more related to getting your calories from fat and not sugars, so I'd think that, so long as you keep to the general meal template, even if adding in other foods, you'll be fine.

...and, as much as it sucks, it sounds like it might be the dairy. Could be, too, that your coconut milk latte at Bigby's might not have been dairy-free (or could have been like Starbucks coconut milk, where there's very little coconut, and a lot of added ingredients.)

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I think you are right.  I've got a migraine now and I haven't had one in weeks that wasn't pressure related.  In general I feel like crap, like I have the flu.  I used to feel like this all the time.  No dairy for me for a while.

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It makes sense for dairy to be an issue, with as much as I used to eat and as I bad as I always felt.  I will try cheese again, once my gut heals.  But I'll be okay if I can't have it.

Snack @ 4:00 dark chocolate

Post w/o @ 7:00 venison epic bar & olives

Meal 3 @ 8:30 steak, acorn squash w/ ghee

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3/16 bedtime 10:00 tossed and turned a bit.  Still having bad leg cramps despite adding a magnisum/potasium suppliment at night.

3/17 overslept!  Got up at 8:20.  Fell down the stairs, wrenched shoulder, ouch.

Meal 1 @ 8:45 scrambled eggs w/ peas in ghee.  Very congested and lots of 'gunk' in my chest- wonder if it's the dairy?  That used to be a problem every morning and I always thought it was seasonal allergies but since it's been gone for the past couple weeks and just came back...  Skin is slightly better.  Feel generally not great though.

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Meal 2 @ 12:30 acorn squash, white fish, olives, compliant ham, dark chocolate

Super stressful day at work. Don't think I've mentioned but i got a new job and am in my two week notice period as the current one and it's totally crazy. Can't wait to be out of there. Another headache/ migraine and generally feeling bad all day, could be remnants of dairy or stress or combo.

Nap from 4-6.

meal 3 @ 8:00 Indian restaurant. Tandoor chicken, lamb sausage, garlic naan, curry dipping sauce. Got some tomatoes, a little yoghurt and of course gluten with this meal. Felt very full and uncomfortable and tired afterwards, but no GI reaction.

Snack @ 9 a few bites of dark chocolate coconut ice cream, coffee w/ cc

Bed @ 11:15 or so

Sat wake up at 10! Not happyto be falling back into the late wake up habit

Meal1 @11:30 salmon, sweet potato, lots of ghee

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Thanks. I'm excited but it sure has made things crazy.

Sat. Snack @ 3:30 venison epicbar

Meal 2 @ 9 roasted asparagus, green beans, buffalo steak

Bedtime at 1 am. Worked really late in the kitchen. Too much for my body.

Sunday wake up at 9:30. Migraine. Upset stomach. 

Meal 1 @ 12:00 steak, pesto, acorn squash, ghee

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Felt horrible all day but had to travel. Meal2 @ 7 culver's- chicken strips with mustard, French fries with ketchup.

Snack @ 10:45 3 triangles taza stone ground chocolate

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Thank goodness Michigan has lots of rest stops.  It was hard, but we ultimately had a good night.  Bed at 11.

Monday 3/20 wake up 7:30

Meal 1 @ 8:30 at hotel- bacon, diced potatoes, orange, black coffee

Snack @ 11 venison epic bar

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Meal 2 @ 2:00 acorn squash, beef w/ ghee, olives

Snack @ 4:00 black coffee, dark chocolate

Meal 3 @ 8:15 Trader Joe's sausages, 2 fried eggs, blackberries

Feeling yucky.  Stomach upset before dinner, still recovering from whatever we had this weekend (think it was a bug since the girls had it too).  Going to start a whole 7 tomorrow to reset then try reintro again, specifically legumes and cheese.

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Bedtime was 11:30 I think.. working late so I wasn't paying attention.  Wrapping up stuff at my current job is killing me.

Got up at 7:30  totally forgot about food until I was in the car on the way to work.  Went straight into back to back meetings until after noon.  Felt terrible, lack of food, remaining bug, lack of sleep, poor eating... all of the above?  I have bad diarrhea despite crunching two Pepto tablets in the car and my whole body feels awful, like the flu.

Meal 1 @ 12:30  acorn squash, beef w/ ghee, olives , 1/2 avocado

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Snack @ 5 epic venison bar

Meal 2 @ 8:30 spaghetti squash with ghee, tuna steak with pesto

Snack at 11:30 Choffy w/ cc

It's going to be a really late night with work...

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