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Sulfite Sensitivity

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I just finished reading the whole30 and am getting ready to start the program next week.. a couple of months ago I had a severe allergic reaction (hives and asthma) and after process of elimination I believe I have a sulfite sensitivity... the whole30 seems like the perfect program for me as I am trying to eliminate sulfites from my diet.. my question is, when researching sulfites I found that almost everything I read said that all vinegars have sulfites in them, so I have been avoiding them, but a lot of the whole30 recipes include white and apple cider vinegar... I am nervous to try them but am wondering if there is anyone that knows there are no sulfites in them for sure? Also, coconut supposedly has sulfites in it so I have been avoiding that as well,  but there are so many coconut type foods that are used in the program and I want to know if I am safe to try those as well. Thanks in advance.

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Vinegars will have naturally occurring sulfites so if you're that sensitive, you'll need to avoid them... you can use other acids like lemon or lime juice for most things.

As far as coconut, you don't need to eat a single coconut product on the Whole30 if you don't want to.  There are other ways to get fat, to make creamy curries etc... 

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