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need encouragement, more than question


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Today is day 3 for me. But it was very nearly day one again.

Yesterday started out great. I did hours of cooking over the weekend, so I had breakfast and lunch squared away for the week. I left my house at 430 to hit the gym before work (typical for me), but then a normal day at work was not so normal and it was 7 when I was getting home. I was exhausted, but relieved to know I had a couple night's dinners ready in the fridge.

I arrived home to more stress and chaos. My 3 year old was lethargic with a hacking cough and high fever when I walked in. My husband didn't call to ask what to do or even tell me. I worried over her, getting her medicine for her fever and making her medicine for her cough. Now it's after 8p and I haven't eaten since the handful of almonds at 2. I go the fridge and all three portions of my dinners are gone. My husband who doesn't want to do this with me and wouldn't let me rid our kitchen of forbidden foods found my meals to be delicious. He at them for all three of his meals that day. I assure you, I am a typically kind and loving woman, but in that moment I resisted strong barbaric urges!

My first instinct was my fall back mode. I reached for the cabinet door to do what I would have done on a late stressful night a week ago...eat a bowl of cereal. I stopped myself, literally with my hand on the cupboard. I settled for a piece of fruit (the only one of the day) and went to bed exhausted.

This morning I have already had a healthy whole30 approved breakfast. But day 3 has started with a bit of exhaustion, crankiness and low motivation. I know some of it is being a tired mommy with a sick child, my very long day yesterday, and I know that some of it is purely my body stuggling to readjust.

Truly, I could use some encouragement to get through this day! If you have any suggestions for keeping a not so supportive but apparently hungry spouse out my food (bear trap? threats of mortal consequences?) that would be appreciated too!

Thanks in advance!

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I'm not sure what I advice I have for you on the hungry spouse issue - although maybe he'll get on board if he knows there are more of those yummy meals in his future! As far as the encouragement - you should be EXTREMELY proud of yourself. I know of very few people who, given your stressful day, would've resisted the urge to soothe that stress and anxiety with that bowl of cereal. Myself included. I would've easily given it and justified my cheat, only to feel guilty afterwards. I commend you for the strength and commitment that you show this early in the process. I can assure you that it WILL get better. You will feel amazing and be able to handle the most stressful of days with a mind anchored by health and wellness. Keep at it - congratulations on starting this journey. I think your family may see the results you'll have and jump right on board with you!

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WOW, what a day you had! Congratulations on making it through. That was hard and you did it!

A bear trap sounds appropriate for your husband. Leaving your food alone seems like something you would not have to discuss, but I guess you do have to have a talk with him.

I can't sleep hungry (but maybe I never get as tired as you did), so I have some fast prep meals in my kit. Tuna or salmon salad is the most important because I can make it in 10 minutes or less. Here are a few recent recipes I have shared.




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You did wonderful. It is hard to get through the first week (or sometimes more) of a Whole30, but adding crazy stressful days with no food to just grab and eat is rough. It does get better and you do find a stride, plus you learn better ways to cope with stress when you are forced to not eat it away, like when you're on the Whole30. Trust me and those who've been through it, it is worth the struggle now to get to the end result! You're doing great!

I had a very unsupportive spouse - HAD being the key word. He has come around, although not conformed. Maybe you can make larger portions of your food so that you can leave him some in the fridge too, but maybe mark which ones are his and which are yours. It is great that he's eating this stuff, so I would encourage it, but he does need to appreciate that you made meals for yourself. Making extra to share may resolve this problem in the future and make you both happy.

Keep at it! You deserve to take good care of yourself. I hope your little one feels better soon.

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Oh wow, if my husband did that to me I would lose my s***. Doc I, too, commend you for making it through the day (and not killing your husband). Hopefully an honest conversation is all it takes to ensure this situation is not repeated, but if that doesn't work, maybe you can find something he doesn't like that you do like, and incorporate it into more meals. For example, I know my husband has an aversion to orange vegetables and will never voluntarily eat a sweet potato. Now I wish he would because hello - they're delicious and nutritious, but at least I know I can always count on them still being in the fridge!

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Thank you so much everyone! I made it through day three! I didn't struggle with the food as much as I did with exhaustion yesterday, I was asleep by 8!

One thing I did take care of yesterday was making a big batch of sweet potatoes. I mashed them with a little bit of spices and put them in the fridge. I love them and could eat them anytime and the husband won't touch them with a ten foot pole! I don't think he took me serious when I told him what I was doing, he just thought it was new recipes. But I do believe it's safe to say he won't likely be doing that again.

This morning I feel like I'm back to being excited. No, my energy level is still not where I'd like it to be but I understand my body is off kilter right now. I had a great workout this morning, a delicious & nutritious breakfast, and I feel like I felt when I woke up Monday....I CAN do this!

I really appreciate this forum and all of your support!


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You must be a saint, I would have ripped him a new one. Probably good that I didn't chime in earlier lol! Yay you for taking the high road AND sticking with the plan! You CAN do this, and you'll be so glad you did! I was a bear the first week (and trust me, NO ONE wanted to steal my food lol), was tired the second, and after that really started seeing some changes. More steady energy, lost that afternoon slump, etc. YOU CAN DO THIS! :)

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One thing I did take care of yesterday was making a big batch of sweet potatoes. I mashed them with a little bit of spices and put them in the fridge. I love them and could eat them anytime and the husband won't touch them with a ten foot pole!

I would put a layer of sweet potatoes on everything so if he looks inside, he thinks it is sweet potatoes! :ph34r:

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I put things in containers that are not see through. My hubby is afraid of so many foods that he won't open lids to see what's inside. Sometimes I put a false label on things. It might say, mashed cauliflower with mustard sauce. He would never open it to see glorious baked chicken inside. I always keep eggs on hand. They are so fast to whip up. I sometimes have to tell myself that not every meal has to be gourmet or pretty to get the job done. I have eaten some really ugly looking things when I need fuel. Good job turning away from the cereal. Get through the first 10 days and it gets so much easier.

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