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Dear Whole30 world,

I have started my Whole30 journey in Sept 2015, and since then have completed 2 & 1/2 Whole30's and a Whole100 having massive success on every level!!  But each time I try and reintroduce anything, I find I am sensitive to it and have a problem with it.  So, this brings me to figuring out what the best long-term food freedom plan looks like for me.  I am confused thinking I should be able to bring back small amounts of things, but each time I do I'll either set off my sugar dragon, or have a physical reaction.  Does anyone else have this?  Is this perhaps because of all of my other medical needs?  Operating with no thyroid after a thyroidectomy after Graves'.  Also, concluded after my first whole30 that I do not tolerate any of the FODMAPs well due to IBS perhaps.

So now I'm feeling off rails again, but feeling a bit hopeless about having to be super strict about things long term.  


Also, I'm going on tour for a year living in hotel rooms (without a fridge or kitchenette)  any tips on how to create a light portable kitchen I could put in maybe one of my suitcases?  Feeling like even that will be tricky for the seasoned whole30er. 

Many thanks with any advice!



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Hi There!

Yes - I know exactly first hand what you are going through.  You sound like you are going through the phase of "Why me"??? And it's completely understandable and yes it's frustrating as all get out.  You sound normal to me.

A bit of perspective from Robb Wolf here - You can cheat on a test, you can cheat on your spouse, but cannot cheat on your diet.  There is no benefit to "cheat" on your diet.  To "cheat" is to have have an unfair advantage.  What's the unfair advantage of consuming a food that will make you quite literally sick?

I pretty much react to everything on the whole 30 off list as well.  Including FODMAPS, and AIP foods.  But I have found that stress is an enormous factor when dealing with FODMAPs.  (If I am stressed the bloating will be sooooo bad).  So if you are stressed work on finding ways on de stressing yourself.  (I've spent a lot of energy on this).  Cauliflower, unfortunately is never worth it for me.

However after eating this way (relaxed - but pretty whole 30 style) I have found my "worth it" items, and my no so worth it items.  For instance most dairy (with the exception of organic heavy whipping cream, and cream cheese from Europe - very specific I know) is never worth it.  Homemade bread slathered in butter - is sometimes worth it (slight IBS issues), eating a raw tomato is never worth it (causes psoriasis outbreak) , but eating white rice is sometimes worth it (no digestive upset, but constipating to be sure.)  I relax totally around the sugar rule - sometimes I will add honey and maple syrup to things, and generally I will make a Paleo baked good / coconut ice cream once a month (The problem with Coconut milk is the Guar Gum for me, thankfully I have found a brand without).  I don't go off the deep end so long as I give myself permission.

What does that mean exactly?  I never tell myself I cannot have something.  If I want a chocolate chip cookie, I will have a chocolate chip cookie.  But I always, always, always ask myself before I make the choice - is the chocolate chip cookie worth the consequences?  Do I mind the rosacea outbreak?  Can I live with the fissures that form on my hands?   When you give yourself permission to eat whatever you want when you want it and embrace the consequences things change.  Food loses power.  I do this even on a whole 30.  Resulting in some broken whole 30's, but hey that's my choice.    

In terms of living out of a hotel room - my suggestion is just to do the best with what you have.

I travel sometimes for work and my emergency meal kit includes Epic bars, baby food squeeze pack, and a small pack of olives.  I've been known to make "coolers" with a couple of grocery bags, and a couple of cooler bags so I can store a few items such as a store bought salad, some boiled eggs, store bought roasted chicken. Cans of tuna are great in these scenarios.

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