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Long Craving

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I am on my 2nd day of whole30 and I am REALLY craving sugar, but the craving is not going away. It feels like a craving, because I don't feel like I would eat some meat and vegetables. The craving has been going on for about 2 hours. It's not strong, but I really want SUGAR!!!! Please help! :)

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Have you tried doing something else to distract yourself? Work on a hobby, clean, read a book, talk to a friend? Or drinking a big glass of water? I'm sure at this point you must have, but just mentioning them to be sure.

If all else fails, try eating a little something, some olives or avocado or an egg or some leftovers. Something not sweet. 

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1 hour ago, LesLee1964 said:

I am on my 2nd day of whole30 and I am REALLY craving sugar, but the craving is not going away. It feels like a craving, because I don't feel like I would eat some meat and vegetables. The craving has been going on for about 2 hours. It's not strong, but I really want SUGAR!!!! Please help! :)

Power through it sister!  You're already  miles ahead since you've identified it as a craving... don't let it take power over you... go take a nice warm bath (or a cool shower depending on the weather where you are) and climb into bed with a book.

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Food  cravings are typically very short so if it's not going away it's not a craving, but your body's way of telling you what it wants. Your brain is telling you you want sugar, so you need to eat fat.

Fat provides the same pleasurable response in the brain as sugar, but without the pain.

Make sure you're getting enough at every meal - fat truly is your friend here ;)

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