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Starting over on day 7

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I'm brand new to Whole 30.  I started on May 1st and was doing great.  Then on day 6 I ate some cookies and drank some milk (ugh!).  So I am starting over again.  Today is Day 2 for me.  The first week I did experience a lot of the symptoms the book outlines on the various days. My question is: Will I experience those all over again?  i.e. On day 4 I was SUPER irritable and I yelled at my kids a lot ("kill everything" was definitely going on).  When I reviewed what to expect in the book, it was super helpful to know "it will pass".  


Should I expect the same issues again in the same order?  With 4 kids it's helpful to know so I can plan and schedule things in a way that won't make me even more high strung on those days.

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You shouldn't end up going back through that portion of the timeline.. that said, you may go back to where you were in the timeline that made you give in to the cookies and milk... you owe it to yourself now, while your start is fresh and the cookies incident is a few days away to figure out why you did that... that's not an accidental slip, that's an intentional stopping... it's great that you want to start over and power through, but do the leg work to try and figure out why that happened (if you haven't already) so it doesn't happen again :)

Good for you for starting again!  That's courage!

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Thanks!  That's helpful to know. And, yes, I've already analyzed what happened and I have made a plan to (hopefully) not face that obstacle again. Or, if I do, how I can plow through it as a champion.

And I'm so glad the time line didn't start over. 

Thank you!

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