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Meat clarification?


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Hi everyone!

I read the book, I read the guides on this website, but I am still a little bit confused about meats. So, if someone could clarify, I'd really appreciate it!

So with all proteins (meat, poultry, seafood, etc) organic and pastured (no antibiotics, cage-free, grass-fed, wild-caught) is the BEST choice. However, if you cannot afford or find this, store-bought is okay, right?

My next question, which is what is causing the most confusion, is about how to eat the proteins....

If it is a 'best quality' protein (grass-fed, organic) the skin (of chicken, for example) or fattier cuts can be eaten VS. 'good' quality store-bought proteins, in which the leanest and skinless can be eaten. Is this a correct understanding??

Thanks all :)

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Right. The most important thing for a Whole30 is food choice. Food quality is second. You can experience great results doing a Whole30 with conventionally raised meat.

When you are eating conventionally raised meat, the leaner the better because toxins gravitate to the fat. So with organic, grass-fed meats, you may eat the fat, but with conventionally-raised meats, you should seek leaner cuts, trim visible fat, and drain meat fat to the extent you can. It is not that the fat is bad, but the fat may hold pesticide residue and other toxins that you want to avoid.

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Thank you so much for cliarifying,

Right. The most important thing for a Whole30 is food choice. Food quality is second. You can experience great results doing a Whole30 with conventionally raised meat.

When you are eating conventionally raised meat, the leaner the better because toxins gravitate to the fat. So with organic, grass-fed meats, you may eat the fat, but with conventionally-raised meats, you should seek leaner cuts, trim visible fat, and drain meat fat to the extent you can. It is not that the fat is bad, but the fat may hold pesticide residue and other toxins that you want to avoid.

Thank you, Tom. This is helpful, not only to my understanding of the reasoning behind this (but also my pocket and sanity, since I have had a hard time finding organic/grass-fed EVERYTHING, and this would get extremely expensive!)

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