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Starting 8/12/17!


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Hi there! My name is Jeri Ann, and I, along with my husband, will be starting our first whole30 on August 12th! We have a 2 and almost 4 year old, which adds to the stress of this quite a bit! However, they are the biggest reason I am doing the whole30 to begin with, so I'll use them as my motivation! :) After my little girl was born two years ago, my health has slowly started to worsen. I know some of that is due to normal life events and physical changes that one undergoes with pregnancies and deliveries, but I have not helped the situation with my bad eating behaviors and lack of consistent exercise. I was never an overweight child or young adult, but after a couple years in college, I seemed to have lost my youthful health. I have tried losing weight on and off for too many years to count, but what has concerned and frightened me even more in the last 3-4 years, are all the autoimmune issues I am developing! I am tired all the time, with very low energy, and just have an overall "yuck" feeling most days. My back, neck, and joints are sore all the time, my hair has been thinning, and I wake up every morning, tired. This is terrible for my kids, and I am worried about where I am going to end up if I don't get myself going in a better direction. I have read "It Starts with Food", and am currently reading the whole30 30 day guide to total health and food freedom, now, in preparation for starting and completing my  whole30. I am very excited, yet very nervous and anxious at the same time. I am thankful to have this forum to gain support, knowledge, and information from. I am in the medical field, and this is a program/lifestyle change that makes complete sense to me! I am usually pretty pessimistic when it comes to diets and radical health fads, but after reading "It Starts with Food", my medical brain gave a big nod, and I knew then that this was the something I was looking for to start taking my health/life back! I'm preparing, and am looking forward to starting the journey! 


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Hi Jeri Ann!  I am starting this for a lot of the same reasons.  I am probably a bit older than you (at least!) since my kids are teens.   I was always in shape, exercised regularly, never had a weight problem and ate whatever I wanted...then marriage, kids, life.  I now weigh what I weighed right before I gave birth to my second child!  I had gotten back in shape after she was born but gradually, the 30+ pounds came back and stayed. Then 4 years ago, I was diagnosed with arthritis in my hands and feet.  It was horrible.  Medication has it under control but I would like nothing more than to get off meds if possible.  I have to take Folic Acid to counteract the hair loss from the methotrexate. I also have reflux and other digestive issues.  I hate saying goodbye to bread but I know it is just not a healthy choice!  If I can make it through this 30 days, I know I will be better off going forward!

Good luck to you!!  

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Hi CampJulie! And thanks for your message. It was nice to hear from another mom going through the same struggles. And actually, we are probably close to the same age, as I got started late...too late probably.  Although I'm praying I'll feel differently, after I finish the whole30 and get some energy and strength back. I'm in my early 40's, and feel like I'm 80! I developed problems with my thyroid after the birth of my son almost four years ago, and it has worsened since the birth of my 2 year old. Our thyroids have so much to do with the overall health and wellness of our bodies, that I feel like everything is off now. And I am about 30 pounds too heavy as well. I'd love to be able to get my thyroid regulated and either decrease or completely get off of Synthroid (though most medical people will tell you it's impossible). I am hopeful this can happen! I hate to say goodbye to bread, and dairy, too, but if it will make me feel better, it will be worth it! I'll be thinking of you during your whole30. You can do it! :0) 

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