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Animal fats


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I didn't think I'd post one of these because I was sure I know everything ha ha! However, I notice that every conversation around fats, healthy fats, good fats, or mods recommending to add fats to your meals, etc, all seem to only mention vegetable/plant fats or ghee. I try to get the highest quality meats I can, and when I know it's pastured meat I eat the heck out of some animal fats. Like, crispy chicken skin, fatty steak or carnitas etc. 

Since animal fats are rarely mentioned, should I be focusing more on the plant fats and avoid animal fats for best results? I don't avoid fats at all and I know that they make the difference between success and failure for me.  

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As I understand it animal fats are great (as long as the source is healthy) just as long as the amount of fat in a meal is enough in total. The main thing to look for would be if your meals are keeping you full 4-5 hours. I would think that you could probably enjoy your chicken skin and some avocado too.  Maybe others will weigh in as well :-)

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