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Feeling Guilty About Eating W30 Approved Dupes

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Hey everyone! 

I'm on day 8 of my first Whole30. I'm diving in headfirst and loving most of it so far! I feel better, that's for sure. The more I emmerse myself in this culture, the more I see things like Tessemae's approved dressings, compliant nut butter, compliant chicken sausages, things that I would "normally" eat  previous to W30. I'm finding myself feeling guilty about eating these things, even though they're whole & compliant & healthy. I'm also feeling guilt for being hungry between meals. Does anyone else experience this? If so, how do you change this mindset? 



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You shouldn't feel guilty about using compliant store-bought options. They are still healthy options. Be glad that you already had some healthy things in your diet so you have some familiar stuff and aren't having to search for all new options all the time.

As for hunger between meals, that happens, especially at first as you get used to eating this way. If you're just occasionally hungry between meals, and it's definitely hunger and not boredom or or stress or anything, fix yourself a mini-meal of protein, fat, and vegetables, or at least two of the three, and don't worry about it. If you're often hungry between meals -- like every day -- your meals may not be big enough and you might want to look at the meal template again and be sure you're eating enough. Each meal should keep you satisfied for 4-5 hours at a time. 

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Thank you, Shannon!! That really helps a lot! My husband & I are doing this together & when I mentioned it to him, he definitely agrees with you - I was unintentionally under eating. This is my first of any kind of health change, I think I was too afraid of overdoing it that I just pushed hard on the breaks. I really appreciate your feedback! 


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