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Day 8 and struggling so hard


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Hey -

I thought last week would be the worst. Around Day 4 or 5, I started to feel better - I felt like the cravings weren't as bad and I was starting to see how this would be better. And then suddenly yesterday on Day 7 I was slammed by the Sugar Dragon.

All day long, all I wanted was to ditch Whole 30 and feed the cravings. Every commercial looked amazing to me and every fruit, vegetable and protein in my house sounded boring. I ate regular meals with plenty of food and within a half hour I'd be feeling hungry again.

I fought through the day and though I felt like I held on by my fingernails, I was able to click the link on my email that I made it through. I went to sleep expecting to wake up and feel better and motivated again today.

Instead I woke up and felt the battle again. I made myself a healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs and broccoli and then had a small banana. By the time I left to come to work half an hour later, I had to fight myself not to drive through Dunkin Donuts to buy a second (much less healthy) breakfast. I can also feel myself almost looking to pick fights with people, I'm so moody and on edge because I just want SUGAR. Grr.

I came to the forum looking for inspiration and help from other posts in this section - and instead see that a lot of people are feeling this same way at day 16, day 14, etc. I don't think I can make it through 3 more weeks of feeling like I'm fighting this fight constantly. I'm tired. I'm tired of thinking so hard about every meal and feeling deprived.

Maybe Whole 30 isn't for me? Maybe it's too drastic of a change from where I started and I should try cleaner eating first before cutting out everything? I don't know. I apologize for whining.

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Hang in there! It is normal to feel like this. Your body is trying to fight the change. I swear that sugar is such an awful addiction. I have learned that I even have to be careful with fruit. Everyone is different, but for me...if I have one bite, I'm in big trouble. The cravings creep back in. I am finding that the longer I've been following this lifestyle, the more control I have over sugar. Having a banana while you are in sugar craving mode, might not be a good choice for you. When I am craving sugar, I make sure to increase my fat intake and bulk up my meals so that I'm not hungry. I also make sure that I'm getting PLENTY of sleep. Cravings can appear due to a lack of sleep. Also make sure that you are properly hydrating yourself. Don't give up. Remember, everyone else struggled through the slaying of their sugar dragon. We all understand. Some of us have a more difficult battle than others but it is so worth it to keep going. It isn't easy at first, but give it time. Your body will feel amazing, but you have to put in the work, "do your time," and struggle through. Best wishes!!! :)

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Sorry to hear you're feeling like this. Yes most of us get a couple of days like this but just because someone got it on day 16 and i got it on day 22 doesn't mean you'll be feeling that until then. most of us only have it a couple of days whenever it strikes and then things do get an awful lot easier. As Keri says, make sure there's enough fat in your diet and protein. When I felt like that, I found bananas lethal, especially early in the day. After I had a banana, as you say, every crap food commercial seemed to be aimed just at me. I ended up having any fruit I had with my evening meal, thaat way it didn't seem to spark off cravings.

Good luck and hang in there - it gets a lot better, honest!

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kateinpa -

I third or fourth (or whatever) what the ladies above said. This is totally normal and you may just be making that switch psychologically. This is what we call an extinction burst, where your brain does whatever it can to entice you back to your old ways. It's intense, it can be painful, but DO. NOT. GIVE. IN. This will likely be the worst (and maybe the last) of your cravings and my prediction is that if you can fight this out with Good Food on your side you'll be within sight of the Whole30 promised land. I can't guarantee it, but from my observations this nasty bit comes on right before the good stuff.

We're with you!!

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One other thing I'd like to add. If by chance, you did cave in today before you received all of this wonderful support and encouragement, please don't let that keep you from jumping back in on the whole30. I think that many times people feel upset that they didn't stick with their whole30 and then they just block it all out of their mind, binge, and start the search all over again for something to save them. No one likes to feel sluggish, unhealthy, or overweight. I can tell you that once you choose to make a whole30 your lifestyle, you feel great mentally and physically. It is a struggle at first, but the rewards are well worth the effort. If you have fallen off the wagon...please jump right back on and don't talk yourself into easing into the plan by eating clean or taking a break. All of your hard work so far has not been lost. If you did slip up today, you should restart your Whole30 but so what? You already did great things for your body. It is adjusting already to this way of eating and cleaning itself out. Don't opt to give up over one day. You can do this!!! You're stronger than a sugar craving...prove it to yourself. ;)

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Hey -

Thank you so much for all the great responses. And Keri - thanks for covering the what-ifs but luckily lunch was already packed and I managed to stick it out. I am going to cling to the hope from Robin's message and from the article that Renee posted and believe that when I push through this it will get easier. I also really like the suggestions about being more careful with fruit timing - it makes a lot of sense. I'll admit that I tend to grab for a banana in the morning because I don't have a ton of extra time in the morning and it's an easy addition to breakfast that is super fast to grab. I can make an extra few seconds in the morning to choose something else. I'm going to stop on my way home to pick up some more vegetables to make and have handy and ingredients for a crockpot meal tomorrow so I can feel like I'm taking the night off from cooking.

Thanks so much for the support, I'm not giving up yet - I'm just going to treat myself nicely (NOT with food) and push through this and see how I feel in a few days.

Thanks again, I felt terrible whining here but it really truly helped a ton.

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I also really like the suggestions about being more careful with fruit timing - it makes a lot of sense. I'll admit that I tend to grab for a banana in the morning because I don't have a ton of extra time in the morning and it's an easy addition to breakfast that is super fast to grab.

Thanks so much for the support, I'm not giving up yet - I'm just going to treat myself nicely (NOT with food) and push through this and see how I feel in a few days.

From one Kate to another I must say I know how it feels! Sugar is definitely my biggest weakness in this entire process and I just posted on my person food log that I think I am eating too much fruit and relying on that sugar to get me through. I have definitely noticed that my cravings are the worst when I am tired and dehydrated, if I keep those two things in check it does get better for me.

Good luck to you! You can do it!

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Hey -

Just checking back in. So, made it through day 8. Even went to Target after work and bypassed all of the temptations, only bought what I was there to get and a little extra vegetables and fruit that looked good. Went home, had a good Whole 30 dinner, went to bed when I started feeling hungry and tempted again.

Unfortunately I feel like today I'm still stuck in the same rut. How long do these extinction bursts last? :) I feel like each meal is a battle and so far I'm coming out on top. I came back to reread this thread before I leave here to keep myself on track to go home and make the dinner I planned instead of stopping for something on the way home that sounds better but doesn't ultimately lead me toward the goals that are why I started the program.

Still hanging on by my fingernails but I wanted to thank you all again - this post is keeping me going.


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When you are tempted, imagine and say to yourself: It is not worth it. That stuff is not meant for me (I've had a great help in these words) What do I win eating the bad stuff? Imagine yourself after you would have eaten the tempted food. Do you feel good, do you regret? And imagine what a victory it will be for you if you are not giving in. Award yourself a give a huge pat on your back.

Don't get hungry, and get enough rest - a tired and hungry body and mind is dangerous.

Get enough water too! Make some delicious compliant meals.

I'm cheering on, good luck ! :)

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Kate, you are doing so well. Keep pushing through. It will get easier, but everyone's body is different. It's hard to say how long you'll struggle, but eventually you will be free of it. After my first Whole30, I was off the sugar but it wasn't until part of the way through my 2nd Whole30 that I really started to have a sense of peace over sugar. I'm so careful about what I eat...including fruit. Sugar is a trigger and I don't eat fruit each day. It is a once in awhile treat for me and only if I pair it with plenty of protein and fat. You are doing great...don't let all of your work be in vain. You need to keep pushing on because your "freedom" from sugar could be right around the corner. Don't ruin it on some yucky, chemical filled, piece of garbage. I tend to try to gross myself out when I'm craving something bad. For instance...I wanted a Reese's cup SOOOOOOO bad during my first Whole30. So, I read the ingredients and then found pictures of each ingredient and read up on the negatives of each ingredient. Seriously disgusting, fake garbage. So, if there is something you are craving...research it and I'm sure you'll be just as disgusted. Haha! :D

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