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Sore mouth edges


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I'm so happy I came across this thread. I've also experienced issues with cracked lips and corners of my mouth as well as irritated and sore gums during both of my W30's. I thought I was crazy but now I feel somewhat better about the symptoms I've been experiencing. After I completed my first W30, these symptoms disappeared when I went back to my normal diet (I'm paleo but not as clean as W30...I love red wine and dark chocolate too much). Maybe I'll try upping my intake of riboflavin and iron rich foods.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I had them too, it was driving me nuts. I've done some research and fixed it. I have to report that they are the sign of weak immune system. Try incorporating broth/fermented food/gelatine based foods and give it a week or so. As well it was an indication for a food sensitivity I wasn't aware of. Eliminating this food helped a lot.

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Ok, I had them too, it was driving me nuts. I've done some research and fixed it. I have to report that they are the sign of weak immune system. Try incorporating broth/fermented food/gelatine based foods and give it a week or so. As well it was an indication for a food sensitivity I wasn't aware of. Eliminating this food helped a lot.


Do you mind me asking which food you found that you had a sensitivity to?

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Thanks Nadia!

It's interesting because I'm beginning to think that I don't tolerate eggs well at all. I didn't notice a whole lot of issues with them during my first W30 but during this 2nd one, I definitely noticed more problems with eggs. Nuts in general are an issue for me, not because they cause a whole lot of issues with my body (that I've noticed, anyway) but because I can't stop eating them once I start. Maybe I'll take eggs out of my diet for a while and see how I do.

Thanks again!

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Join the club of egg-nut free people. Most of people are reacting to eggwhites, but are fine with yolks. I just don't bother at all. Nuts act like a glue to my stomach, so they are out for good (small handful is impossible for me to). Good luck with WH30, my round two starts Friday.

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