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Dad Led, Dad's Successful Whole30 Completed


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What a great journey and beginning into a new lifestyle!

The past 30 days have been easier than I thought, only because of the great support, first and foremost from my incredible wife, Vicky and secondly from this great group!

I now do all of the cooking for the family (Vicky is happy) mostly because I volunteered, but also because I am the better cook. The resources are there Well Fed, Nom Nom Paleo among others were our guidebooks in support of ISWF.

I started back to working out and expect the best, now that I have food under MY control, rather than under its control.

Lastly, the tangibles - 17 pounds lost, 4.5" lost from around the belly. I have pictures to prove it, but we will just say that Chewbacca and I have some similarities that I would prefer not posting. :o

Other items:

  • Both girls have been more attentive with school
  • I don't have a craving for 5-6 cups of coffee a day, especially in the afternoon
  • We have saved over $100 by not purchasing diet sodas each day
  • No more middle of the night trips to the bathroom. As a man in his late 40s, that is way cool!
  • I have clearer thought process
  • E our eldest daughter has grown in maturity and strength far beyond her 9.5 years by displaying a great willpower during two overnight trips where there were great amounts of non-compliant food.

I am sure that there are many more things to report. The best is still yet to come! This is only step one of a lifetime journey.

Thanks to all!

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Lucky Vicky.

Lucky me!

It's an amazing fairy tale story. We knew each other at 5 years, 12 years, 17 years, ran into each other at 26 & 30 years. Connected through Yahoo personals at 35 years and now have been married 11 years. My past 11 years have been the best of my life and they continue to get better. It's not easy, everyday we work on something new. We decided on a lifelong marriage and we are doing it.

I think that's why W30 wasn't that big of a deal. The decision was made. We didn't say, "I'm going to see how this works," or "I'll try it out." We decided and we did it. Now we have the rest of our lives to work on perfecting it.

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