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Almost done -- Day 28 but post 1


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Hi!  I'm 28 days into my Whole30 -- the first 10 days went slow but now I can't believe I'm almost done and am considering just continuing and only reintroducing when something of interest presents itself (like a glass of champagne on my anniversary for example).  Has anyone taken this approach?  It's kind of like the slow roll but less planful.  Thanks!  Tennessun

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What you are talking about is exactly the Slow Roll! There's pros and cons -- if you don't miss anything, it's a good option, but on the other hand, if you happen to be at a party and the 7 layer dip looks too good to pass on, but you never tested out beans ... you might wish you had.

Congrats on being so near to your 30 day mark!

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