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Change in appetite in beginning?

Nicole M

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i just started taking grains and other not-so-healthy things out of my diet again after being on a two month long off-track binge.... (not doing my "official" Whole 30 because of the holidays, but "prepping" for that and following as closely as possible (no grain at all, but still having small amounts of dairy and sugar, and likely alcohol over the holidays), know that there will be some indulgences during the next month or so)

...and I am STARVING, but everything I think about eating is just gross to me. Except pizza and bread and McDonald's, of course :angry: Today I had my breakfast casserole (sweet potato hash browns, homemade sausage and eggs), and for lunch I am trying to stuff down some tuna salad and butternut squash... but it is tough! This happened last time, also.

Has anyone else experienced this, and how do you get through it?

Right now, I am just trying to stuff down the good food I brought with me, and *really* trying to convince myself that it is a bad idea to go down to the street vendor and get a bag of my favorite--Fritos. I feel like just white knuckling it is the only way to make it happen...

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Find some compliant foods that you like and eat those, and then eat more. Eat the same thing every day if you want to. There's no reason to force yourself to eat things that you don't want to. If you have to "stuff down" the food you brought that is good, then it's really not good, is it? Food is meant to be enjoyed....to feel like you are suffering and having to white knuckle is not healthy and will make you stressed out :) There's got to be something compliant that you like....make a list and then eat those things. Good luck!

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nmichels17 -

This happens to me absolutely every time I try to come back from an off-road stint. Every. Single. Time. Personally, I think it's because those off-road foods are (well, at least the ones I eat) chemically engineered to make us crave them, to make us prefer them over other (real) foods. My brain is like a preschooler - it thinks that if it pretends not to like what I'm giving it, that I'll give it something else. In my experience you just have to eat as much as you can of the good food and be patient while your body readjusts.

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Hey -

I went through this exact same thing - a little further down in this forum is my post called Day 8 and struggling so hard or something like that. ALL I wanted to eat was pizza and it was so hard. The answers on that thread really motivated me to push through it and by Day 10, it was MUCH easier and since then I've been fine. I ate out 3 times this weekend and had no problem skipping the bread bowl and dessert and picking Whole 30 meals - which were delicious and totally on program.

I'm feeling great now and just wanted to give you some encouragement to try to push through this. I took it one meal at a time - wouldn't let myself leave work until I was sure I could drive home without stopping somewhere for my old carb loves. I am now on Day 15 and feeling great.

Just a little encouragement to push through these couple of days, it is SO worth it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

this is what I've been having... after about day 16 til now... day 20 i've been really struggling with eating what's good for me. I'm wondering... in my case.. if it's the next layer of detox

I have no desire to cheat or go off program. but I just would rather not eat. everything is gross.

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Wow, I all of a sudden just seemed to lose my enjoyment of the healthy foods I have been eating for 21 days and just want to eat starches, fruit, nuts, steak and really bland foods... Not sure if it was triggered by an overdose of coffee or like Jo said... The next level of detox... I am trying to fill up on healthy foods so I won't eat non compliant foods, but it feels like emotional eating.. Or is my body just trying to get the balance back after the coffee destabilizing it?? All thoughts very welcome!

The good thing is I realize as I am writing this that I am prepared to keep going so I can find out (minus the coffee!). I am going to stay compliant with my choices so the worst that can happen is that I eat more than I need or a non optimal blance for a few days, that doesnt sound like too bad a deal... As long as I don't derail!

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