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Sugars in Packaged meats


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 I am planning a whole 30 either October or November of this year. I was originally planning for October but I’ve come down with a case of pneumonia. I really want to be focused and energetic when I go into my whole 30 so I may put it off for another month, despite having a lot of the preparations ready. My question however is about the 0 g of sugar   On packaged meats. Does the fact that it says sugar at all even if it’s 0 g mean that there is residual or added sugar? I just finished a refresher on the whole 30 book and it said no packaged meat If it says 0 g of sugar.

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You need to actually read the ingredients. The nutrition info can say 0 grams even if there is added sugar, and it can say more than 0 even when there is no added sugar in some products. If there is sugar listed in the ingredients at all, even if it says "contains less than 2%" or something like that, it is not allowed. If there is no sugar (or other off-plan ingredients) then it is okay.

Check the Sneaky Sugars List and the Common Additives Cheat Sheet for some other ingredients you might encounter -- you can download both here:  https://whole30.com/pdf-downloads/

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