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Suzy's Holiday Whole30


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Starting a new Whole30 tomorrow. Today I ate a delicious coffee cake for breakfast! With bacon. Can't wait to get back on a healthy track. I'm totally going to live it up today, though!

Happy Thanksgiving! My Whole 30 is actually a Whole32 from 11/23 to 12/24. Just want to behave myself and then treat myself on Xmas. Then it's back to behaving on 12/26. Not a big New Year's Eve food person, so Xmas marks the end of my holiday food anxiety. It helps to have a plan.


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Welp, back on the feelgood wagon today! I think my breakfast is a little healthier than yesterday! Please feel free to tweak my food choices by telling me if I'm using too much fat, or other such changes. I'm looking forward to feed back because this is the first time I'm able to use photos while doing a whole 30. Today's breakfast was bacon, 2 eggs, and Trader Joes southern greens, steamed. I cooked the eggs in a little of the bacon fat and I had half a small avocado on the side.


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I ate my breakfast before I could take a picture! Scramble with ham, onion, ghee, and dill and a banana for dessert. Black coffee. Slept really well. Been doing hypnosis inductions for confidence and self-esteem which are alleviating stress.

A lot of times, I have two meals a day and a small snack. This seems to be enough for me; what do you guys think?

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