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Afraid to step on the scale!!!

Karin Cournoyer

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You and I are on the same day and in the same boat! Not so much the weight thing but the fear of reintroduction for sure!

I don't know about you but I think I've conditioned myself with previous "diets" in a way that makes me anxious now. All the times I've lost a few pounds on a really restrictive diet only to gain it all back and then some when I quit. I have to keep reminding myself that this wasn't a diet. This was a change in thinking and a change of habits. You've committed to a lifestyle change and aren't going back!!

For me I've decided I'm reintroducing according to the plan....well mostly. I look forward to a few dairy products. I don't see a need or have a want for the gluten products. I won't be adding any desserts into my life for a very long time. I know my sugar dragon isn't slayed!

I wonder what your limits are right now?

Just remember, we've now joined that in-club! We did this! Whole30 and everything great that comes with it!

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In my world, reintroduction was no more than a science experiment. I ate dairy for one day. Blah. So bloated the next day. Went back to W30 for 3 days and tried gluteny grains. More bloaty and also itchy. I didn't bother with legumes because I no longer think they are a good source of protein. If I ever have them for whatever reason, I will find out then how they affect me. When not doing a W30 (I am almost finished with my third one) I rarely offroad. I only do for special occasions and no more than once a week and usually less often. I know which foods make me feel great and which ones don't. The don'ts are limited but not completely banished. As far as my scale...I voted it off the island a while ago and don't regret it. :)

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I definitely have a sugar dragon! I don't do gluten anyway b/c I have a gluten sensitivity, and I don't do legmes, either b/c I already know they upset my stomach. Dairy, I'm not totally sure about, and a glass of wine or a little tequila might be nice during the holiday season. I would really love a Starbucks holiday latte, but I am trying to ask myself what the benefit of that would be and if it's truly worth it. Until I can decide that it would be a worthwhile cheat, I'm staying away! I think I need to go by my clothing and not the scale. I give the scale way too much credit, and I know if my weight is the same or higher than when I started, I will be discouraged, when really, this is the best I've felt in a long time. I think I will do pretty much what you said, slw600! Thanks! :)

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I am only on Day 15 of my first W30, however, I see this being the way I will probably eat for the rest of my life. I am already intolerant to gluten, dairy, corn and xanthan gum, so the only things I think I would have occasionally are sugar and alcohol. I understand what you're saying, Karin, about the stress coming from a history of restrictive diets and regaining weight. And Slw600, I think my tribe is going to vote my scale off this island too. I caved in and weighed myself on Day 5 I think. I had lost a few pounds, but the entire process of getting on the scale just made me stressed and angry. It was ridiculous, and an eye-opening experience for me.

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