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Super fatigued!

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I'm on my 3rd day and I heard this was the worst of it. I'm honestly too tired to workout although I used to 4-5 times before starting the whole30. I guess it's a good thing that I'm tired but is it okay if I haven't worked out in 3 days? I've gone on walks but nothing too intense. I'm listening to my body but my body might be giving me the wrong signals? Not sure. Help please! Give your opinion :)

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I think you're doing fine. I ran into a wall on Day 3 myself. A lot seems to depend on how your way of eating was prior to going on the Whole30 - if your diet was less than stellar, then your body has a lot of repairing to do and that means all of your energy is being focused on gut repair and not on giving you lots of energy to go about your day. I think you're doing the right thing by taking it easy and just taking walks for now. Before you know it, your body will be on it's way to being healed (or at least "more" healed) and you'll have way more energy than you ever imagined for your more intense workouts. Good luck to you!

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I think the biggest lesson I learned in doing the whole30 was to listen to my body. If your tired a hard core workout won't be so hard core and the pay off won't be either! I agree completely with LadyHoward, it takes energy for your body to process out the junk and clean up. Don't be afraid to listen to the messages your body is giving you!

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Just relax and give your body a chance to adjust to this new way. Everyone is different and can experience different things, but all that matters is that you follow what feels right for your body. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of energy soon enough! Good luck! :D

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I was paleo before starting but still burning sugar rather than fat. I exercise every day to reduce my cancer risk. I woke up on day 4 with extreme fatigue and didn't really get my energy back until day 12, felt like I was running though concrete on the two times I tried it, other exercise wasn't quite so bad. Many people don't try to exercise at all the first few weeks. Must admit I am not so fanatical about it as I used to be since I am getting healthier and leaner anyway and don't need to exercise to compensate for bad food choices!

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