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Omg, kale!!


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So, until this week I've never really eaten much kale. Yes, I know it's one of the best vegetables out there, packed with nutrients, but to this point I had sort of been avoiding it. Now I know what I've been missing.

You see, I enjoy vegetables quite a lot. Spinach, brussel sprouts, peppers, artichokes, eggplant, asparagus.... the list goes on. But several years ago I discovered that when I eat broccoli I get horrible nausea and cramping stomach pains that last for several hours, which is very sad because I had always liked broccoli.

So I guess I've stayed away from kale in part because it is green and I had no experience with it, and perhaps subconsciously I've been afriad it would tear up my stomach like broccoli does. Also, the pizza shop I worked at back in high school used kale as a decoration for the salad bar (not actually served as part of the salad bar) so I'd always associated it with the non-food part of the salad.

But now that I'm eating Whole30 I've been expanding my comfort zone to try more things. The other day my husband asked me to get some kale, then didn't use it and went away for the weekend. I thought about it sitting in the fridge - nice big green organic kale leaves - and decided I was going to do something with it. So I took a big piece off and made kale chips. Omg, yum!

This morning I cooked some with olive oil, garlic powder, salt and pepper and ate it next to my eggs. Delicious!!!

So basically I've come online to share how much I now love kale! :)

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Kale can be strong, especially leaves harvested from an older plant. You would not notice that with kale chips, but you might with kale wilted with olive oil. A friend told me to splash a little vinegar on kale (and chard) to help and it really does. I've used apple cider vinegar a lot, but also like balsamic vinegar. When kale is in season, I sometimes eat it three times per day. Typically I saute some chopped onion in a wok with olive oil, add bite-size pieces of kale, season with salt, garlic powder, nutmeg, and cayenne pepper, a splash of vinegar, and then add meat or chicken. Sometimes I add dried cranberries and macadamia nuts. On special occasions, chopped Granny Smith apples taste good with kale.

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Always my number one favourite vegetable hands down - even when I was a kid. I grew up with it cooked togther and mashed with potatoes. Potatoes first, kale on top, smoked sausage on top of the kale. boiled until potatoes are cooked. Sausage removed and served seperately. Kale and potatoes mashed together and then served up so I could drown them in gravy.....

I keep on meaning to try this with a cauliflower or celery root, but haven't yet. But I love kale as chips, or sauted as well. Soooooo good!

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Lacinato kale is my favorite, hands down. Gentler texture, less bitter texture. It just screams to be eaten with a steak...and I usually listen to its screaming. :).

I love getting bags of chopped, frozen kale to have on hand to toss in soups. (TJ's has them for about $1.50 if I remember correctly.). I use leftover its of meat (you know, when it's not enough for a whole meal, but you SO don't want it to go to waste.), homemade bone broth, whatever leftover veg I have, a can of fire-roasted diced tomatoes and a boatload of frozen kale. 15 minutes and some adventurous seasoning later you have what my 4 year old calls "muscle-making" soup!

Three cheers for kale!

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