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Peanut Goes Paleo


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It's ironic isn't it that my childhood nickname was "Peanut" and here I am about to start my WholeLife and peanuts aren't compliant? That's okay though. I just wanted something catchy, and it doesn't hurt that using my nickname brings me back to pleasant memories of eating anything I wanted and not having a care in the world about high cholesterol, heart disease, or muffin tops.

I'm calling my Whole30 my WholeLife, because that's what I'm hoping to get back by doing it. I did a successful Whole30 back in September, but darned if that sugar dragon didn't just pop right back into place when I reintroduced sugar and bread. I intended to just have it "in moderation" (BTW - that phrase is beyond annoying), but that didn't turn out so well. So back into my sugar hole I went, and now I have to work my way back out again. That's okay, it's a journey, blah blah blah. I do truly believe that, it's just frustrating to be back on this same road again. It's a vicious cycle that has repeated itself more times than I could ever count.

So, here we are again. On January 1st, I start my WholeLife. I will follow the guidelines of the Whole30 program without any straying (read: cheating) for 30 days. After that, the plan will be to continue on that path unless I find myself in a position where I may need to go off-road for a meal. Examples would be a catered work lunch when I don't know what is being brought in (and it wouldn't be "right" for me to bring my own lunch), being invited for a meal at someone else's house where I don't know what is begin served (I don't have any specific allergies to anything so I don't feel right being picky about what is served), or going out to a restaurant where I don't know exactly how something is prepared (and don't want to be "that person" asking 1,256 questions about her meal - again, I don't have any allergies so I don't think this is really necessary). That's it in a very large nutshell. There may be other times as well when off-roading is necessary, but those are the ones I can foresee right now. And if I go off the plan for a meal, then it's right back on track at the next meal. No more "Oh well, I already messed up my eating today so I might as well go out with a bang". The bang that phrase is referring to is the sound I make when I break the chair I just sat down in because I used that phrase so many times that the chair can't hold my crushing weight anymore. That hasn't happened to me yet, but that doesn't mean it couldn't!

I truly was happy when I was on the Whole30 - I felt the best I've ever felt and I really want that back. I've been face-first in the cookies and the bread and the pop and many other "treats" (read: little demons), and it's just not worth it to me anymore. That, and I'm tired of my pants leaving little red-lined indentations on my skin because they're getting too tight. How's that for a visual? (My apologies).

So, for now, I sit back and get ready. I arm myself with the recipes I discovered before. I read up on the science so I feel more in control when the hormones start raging ("Research soothes me" - thank you, Cameron Diaz, for that great line). And I make a plan for my trip. I would never leave on a journey without packing the proper attire or bringing a map to help me when I get lost. So, for this, the most important trip of my life, I will pack (plan good food) and bring my map (this awesome forum) to help me along with way. Most of all, I will enjoy this holiday season and give thanks for the many blessings I have - all of which I do not deserve but by the grace of God I get to enjoy anyway. And I'll sleep soundly in quiet anticipation of when Peanut Goes Paleo.

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I love that you are planning to succeed! What does Susan say....failing to plan is planning to fail...love it!

Just an observation from an outsider and a fellow sugar addict... The more I see and read on here the more I am convinced that sugar addicts specifically need more time that just 30 days. My hunch is that sugar addicts need 45 or 60 days as what do the sugar addicts try first upon being off the plan....sugar. The dragon is oh so patient and will wait for your 30 days to be up. I personally don't think 30 days is enough to starve and slay the beast just based on the large body of reading I have been doing on here for those of us truly addicted to sugar. Lots of people seem to have done successful W30s around October then slowly (or quickly) the sugar leeched back into the diets.

I truly believe that as a society as a whole we have lost sight of what moderation means and people use "in moderation" as an excuse to bring things back into ones diet that actually have no place there.

As a fellow sugar addict and the longer I am on the program the longer I realize that I probably will NEVER be able to have sugary treats EVEN COMPLIANT ONES even in so called "moderation". Like the alcoholic that can never have a drink without backsliding I truly believe that there are those among us who cannot have sugar without backsliding myself included.

I might be talking out my arse but if you have done a W30 and still slide back to the sugar dragon...ponder lengthening your journey this time because my hunch is that history has a way of repeating itself.

Best of luck!!

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Hello ladies! Ladyhoward--I think you are doing what all of us hope to do...trial and errors included. The W30 shouldn't just be 30 days. It certainly can be...and for some people that's enough for them to know they don't want to eat this way for a longer duration or that they were perfectly happy with how the felt before (or not motivated enough by ailments to want to change). But for the majority of us we aren't looking for a 30 day fix. We are looking for a lifestyle change and the W30 certainly is an awesome first step. I can absolutely see myself doing the same thing you did. I know that once I let the sugar dragon get one teeny tiny toe nail in the door it will be a matter of days, maybe even hours or minutes until the door is completely off the hinges.

I am certainly not the only one that wishes you nothing but the best on your WholeLife--I plan on being right there with you during all the ups and downs and bumps and scrapes. The W30 would wind up being meaningless to me if I gave in and went back to my old ways of eating. I think those of us here doing the W30 and supporting each other and cheering each other on are pretty set on making lasting changes in our health and our lives. Thanks for being brave and putting it out there...now you can share your tips and tricks with those of us who are about 20 days behind you : )

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I start my WholeLife in less than a week and I can't wait (read: Who am I kidding? I'm so not ready for this!). I'm ready to slip on my pants instead of wrestling them on like I'm in a WWE cage match. I'm ready to feel full instead of continuing to eat until my stomach begs for mercy. I'm ready to enjoy the time after a meal as my body digests and works with the delicious medicine (awesome phrase from someone's post) I just gave it instead of hearing the grumbles and groans of inflammation and wondering how quickly I can make it to the bathroom. I'm ready to feel peace instead of trepidation over the food I put in my mouth. And I'm ready to kick the @$$ of my sugar dragon once and for all. His ugliness has taunted me for too long.

That's not to say I'm not a little nervous over starting the battle again, but I will feed myself with that fear and allow it to give me the strength I need to find the freedom that has eluded me for far too long. I really do want a WholeLife, so afraid or not, I will swallow my Big Girl pill and do what needs to be done. Peanut goes WholeLife in 4 days and counting . . . .

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Yeah, what they said! Good on you. I tried two days of reintroduction 10 days apart and felt miserable so jumped back on and committed to 100 days because I just knew I wasnt ready and was so sick of previous face falls into the sweet treats that I couldnt face ruining all my hard work to date yet again. I know my whole100 wont be perfect, there will be some swypos and some overeating of fruit and nuts and probably just some overeating at times but I am going to stay compliant and heal my body at least and do the best I can for my mind along the way then see where I end up. Looking forward to hearing how you go

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First of all, LadyHoward, you're totally going to rock this and I'll be cheering you on! It's so crazy to know that so many other people react the same way I do to sugar. It's reassuring that I'm not alone, but I'm sad to know so many others struggle too.

Just an observation from an outsider and a fellow sugar addict... The more I see and read on here the more I am convinced that sugar addicts specifically need more time that just 30 days. My hunch is that sugar addicts need 45 or 60 days as what do the sugar addicts try first upon being off the plan....sugar. The dragon is oh so patient and will wait for your 30 days to be up. I personally don't think 30 days is enough to starve and slay the beast just based on the large body of reading I have been doing on here for those of us truly addicted to sugar. Lots of people seem to have done successful W30s around October then slowly (or quickly) the sugar leeched back into the diets.

I truly believe that as a society as a whole we have lost sight of what moderation means and people use "in moderation" as an excuse to bring things back into ones diet that actually have no place there.

This is helpful to read and I'd probably agree with you. I'll complete my Whole30, see how I feel, and then probably not reintroduce sugar. I'll check on dairy, grains, gluten-containing grains, etc... and then see if I can loosen up my diet while continuing to hold strong against the sugar dragon. Let's beat this once and for all!

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I'm starting to get pretty excited for my WholeLife. It's really discouraging to see how much of my life has been wasted eating food that poisons me and obsessing over when I can eat more of that same food. So many diets, rules, restrictions, plans and promises made in vain. But here's where I turn that discouragement and frustration into action. Life-altering, world-changing (that might be a stretch but I'll start with "my" world), body-healing action. There are many people in my circle of influence who will be watching me during this journey - both ones that will encourage me as they are doing Whole30's of their own, and others who are doubtful (I can't wait to prove them wrong!). I'm ready for healing, ready to ask my poor digestive system for forgiveness for the 1,000th time (and hopefully the last). 3 more days . . . .

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I'm with you. Except that I felt so awful that I declared today, mid-day, as the start of my WholeLife (love that expression, plan to borrow it). I got rid of a ton of food I'd been holding onto, including sweets for the kids. My freezer is bare and ready for good food. Pantry getting well stocked, spice cabinet also. Fridge is in decent shape.

I have a bit pot of chocolate chili cooking on the stove right now.

Tomorrow I shop for more wonderful food.

I keep wondering why I gave up such wonderful food for trash the last week and a half. It's the story of my life. I give up wonderful opportunities for trash, I turn away from what makes me better toward what drains me, and I end up in relationship situations and work experiences that are addictively toxic. Clean eating is changing my viewpoint and I know it will alter my life. It has already started.

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I am so on the same page with you AmyS! It's been the story of my life as well - the same bad song playing over and over again. For me, it's been so easy to make excuses as well for why it's been so hard, why I've caved, why the food industry is so corrupt, you name it. But this time I really realized that this is my journey and mine alone, and I am the one who controls what goes into my mouth. My hubby and I were talking about our plan to get healthy (again) last night. He was skeptical because we've been in this place before where we vow to eat healthier, we lose some weight, and then we allow ourselves to get sucked back into bad habits. Rather than feel defeated by the truthfulness of that statement, I said "You know what? It doesn't matter how many times we failed before. It only matters that we are trying again, and this is the last time we'll have to do it, because this time will be the only "one more time" we need." I really believe that we will do it this time. And I know you will do it too - we are going to have some great success stories in our future!

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I believe you guys can do it! But the great thing with this program is... that even if you dont get it right the first time, it doesnt matter so much because you actually do learn and progress and heal each time so you never end up back at square one like the other plans because this is just such a solid foundation and the right one for our bodies, not a fad that only works once!

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So true, Juzbo. It's hard for me to lose that "diet" mentality. That's why I thought a WholeLife would be better - learn and progress over time like you said.

Today is Day One - so far so good. It's only 10am here, but still - progress is progress!

Breakfast was 2 hard-boiled eggs, a banana, and I'm still full. Should've eaten the carrots and cucumbers first and then the banana if I was still hungry instead of the other way around - will do that tomorrow so I have more of a veggie focus than a fruit focus.

I have a great lunch packed and salmon thawing for dinner. Will post my completed food log later on for accountability. I weighed and measured myself this morning so I have hard numbers to compare when the first 30 days are over. I was disappointed that I gained back 12 pounds of what I had lost - 9 pounds on my first Whole30 and a few more lost after that. So that's 12 pounds gained in 2 1/2 months. Not too great - darn you holidays! But that's why I'm back - to gain control back and start eating mindfully, and of course, to get back on track with eating good, whole food and not the crap that was calling to me (and I was answering) before. I can't wait to see what this first 30 days will bring!

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I decided to sign up for the Whole30 Daily emails, so my Day One is actually officially starting tomorrow. I'll consider yesterday my practice run - either way - I nailed it! Talked myself off the craving ledge around 3:30 and made it all the way to dinner. Lunch was a big salad with kale, romaine lettuce, chicken and olive oil/vinegar dressing. Ate some carrots with it as well and a few pieces of my clementine. Had mad cravings around 3:30 like I said, but knew they were cravings and not hunger so I pushed through. Dinner was salmon (hubby seasoned it perfectly - yummmmm) and steamed broccoli. Had tea in the morning and lots of water during the day - I got my first workout just making all those trips to the bathroom at work! Did an official workout after dinner - felt wonderful. Slept okay other than some weird dreams - woke up still dragging, but I know to expect that as I adjust to being back on a Whole30. Today I'm still going to "pretend" like I'm on it so I make good choices, and then tomorrow I'm back at it for the 30 days.

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That was one of my reasons for doing it too - one can never have too much accountability :). Official Day One today. So far so good. Breakfast was a pear and two hard boiled eggs. I need to remember to eat veggies instead of fruit with my breakfast - that will be a hard habit to break. Veggies are just as easy for me to bring to work though. I usually just bring something to eat at work since I never seem to allow enough time in the morning for anything more involved. So, I'll try to remember to stick with eggs and veggies versus eggs and a piece of fruit. Lunch is going to be a small piece of chicken leftover from dinner with a sweet italian sausage from Applegate (weird combo I know but I knew the piece of chicken would not be enough protein) and a big pile of steamed broccoli. I also have carrots and guacamole to dip them in as well - or how a snack if I can't make it to dinner. I just realized that I had the carrots in my lunch so I could've eaten those at breakfast! Duh! Oh well - part of this process is figuring that kind of stuff out I guess :). Dinner will be meatloaf and a side of veggies. I've been doing really well with drinking water and also with not being hungry after dinner and before bed, so I'm not anticipating that will be a problem. We have some events coming up this month that will be a challenge during my WholeLife, but nothing I can't handle - will just take a little creative thinking to make sure I have enough good food to sustain me so I'm not tempted by the crap. So . . . Day One is looking like a success so far - I'm looking forward to checking the I Did It!

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Day One starts over tomorrow! I had leftover chili today that I made prior to my Whole30 decision and I knew it had beans in it, so I tried to just eat around them. But, I'm sure some probably made it in my belly anyway. Plus, after that, I popped a piece of gum in my mouth because I didn't want chili breath while I was out running errands. A few chews later . . CRAP! I forgot I can't chew gum! So much mindlessness still - even though this isn't my first Whole30. Live and learn though right? So, I'll start over tomorrow - no harm only two days in. Already feeling better though - less bloat already and enjoying making better choices and not needing to deal with the guilt and shame that came with the bad ones. So, Day One 1/6, here I come B)

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On Day Two (again) and feeling good so far. Yesterday I made my son the last of the dessert mix that my mom gave us during the holidays (they are like brownies you make in a mug). It didn't look that great, but I must say that it took A LOT of self-talk to keep myself from licking the spoon anyway. I did it though! It's all part of the more mindful eating that I am working on making more of a habit. Today when I ate lunch, I didn't browse blogs or read my book - I just sat there with my salad and ate slowly, trying my best to appreciate the nourishment and enjoy the different flavors. It felt weird, but low and behold, I didn't even finish the salad because I was feeling full already. I know part of it is the fact that I ate a later breakfast so it wasn't as long between breakfast and lunch, but still, I FELT when I was full. IF I had been browsing the net or reading, I may not have paid attention to that. Totally explains where much of my dysfunctional eating comes from - NOT PAYING ATTENTION! :). I'm feeling good so far - more tired which I expected, but my skin is less dry - didn't even need my moisturizer on today and the ache that I had had in my back is gone now. Totally. Gone. Had it for several weeks. Gone. Loving the Whole30!!

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Officially on Day Three now - still doing well. Loving how simple this plan is - I kind of forgot about that when I went off-road for the past few months. It's not simple to DO in that you do struggle with some physical and psychological discomfort, but I know that will pass. Then I'll be left with simple, delicious food, a healthy body and freedom from my food issues. It's so nice to just plan out my meals for the week, break them down by day as each day approaches, and then eat the yummy food I have planned. Done. Nothing fancy, just simplicity - beautiful, peaceful simplicity. I couldn't ask for anything more.

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Had a breakthrough today. My son got "coupons" in his stocking at Christmas time that he can redeem whenever he wants. One of them was that he could pick the dinner of his choice. Well, of course, he decides to redeem it during my Whole30 and wants to have Subway for dinner. My goal is to get something as healthy as I can, but I've read the ingredients on their website, and there is not one 100% compliant item. So, I'm going to do the best I can, and won't worry too much since I was not planning on stopping after 30 days anyway. I'm on day 4 today, so I'll just extend it out at least another 4 days, but I know it'll be longer than that anyway. Anyway . . . . my breakthrough came when he announced he wanted to redeem his coupon. My mind immediately went to "well, I'll be blowing dinner, so I might as well treat myself to a yummy breakfast too, and maybe allow myself something sweet with lunch". A second later, I was punching that thought in the face and saying "no way". I may not be compliant with dinner, but I can still stay on track with the rest of my meals and get right back on track after dinner as well. I felt so good being able to kick the @$$ of that dysfunctional thinking and I feel so good today as a result. i ate a great breakfast, have a great lunch packed, and after my dinner, I'll get right back to my Whole30. This may not be ideal to some people, and many people may have other thoughts for what I should do about dinner, but I feel good about my decisions, and most of all about my ability to change my thoughts and stay on course toward a healthier me - inside and out.

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Haven't posted much in the last week or so - nothing much to report. Still feeling good - I wouldn't necessarily say I'm feeling the magic, but I'm definitely feeling better. Sleeping is good - waking up right before the alarm clock and with a decent amount of energy. Exercising has gone well - each time I feel like I'm doing better and better, and I'm recovering faster now - I'm hardly ever sore in the mornings now. Still working out my eating - figuring out the right things to eat at lunch so I can make it to dinner without needing to have a snack in the afternoon. I know sometimes I don't NEED to have a snack though, so I'm working on that too :). All in all, this Whole30 is going much better than the last in terms of symptoms, which is a welcome relief!

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So, I had a DUH! moment today - it finally hit me - I don't ever have to diet AGAIN!! My days of losing/gaining/losing/gaining are done. I have found a way of eating that has been proven to be the healthiest way to eat (hello, our ancestors ate this way for thousands of years - without a single diet book around to tell them what to do), my immune system is healing, and my muscles are gaining the strength they are capable of. If I continue on this path, I will find real health and wellness that is mine to enjoy forEVER. My body will find the weight and composition that it was created for, and will continue to stay there as long as I continue to walk this path. I'm in. I'm truly truly IN. No more wasted money on yet another diet gimmick - seriously, how many different diet books could there be??!! No more eat this, no eat that, no that's not good for you now, no THIS is the way to REALLY get healthy, do this not that. Simplicity, you have eluded me for so long, but now I have found you, and you're BEAUTIFUL.

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Isn't it great?!

I lost 30+ lbs with WW but a life time of counting points? No thanks! Paleo allows me to maintain my weight without misery. And my body has found a healthy set point, I swear to the ounce!, that I keep coming back to on the occasions I check the scale.

Here's to a free future!!

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Hello Whole30 Whole796. I was already planning on staying on longer than 30 days, but now it's for sure. We went to a fundraiser over the weekend where I doubt the food I ate was close to compliant. I had chicken with the skin, but I'm sure it was probably roasted with butter and/or oil, some prime rib and some broccoli salad. Oh, and some caesar salad, but the dressing was already poured over it and I doubt it was olive oil. I ate around the cheese as much as possible, but the pieces were pretty finely grated - all in all, not compliant I'm sure. The broccoli salad was doused in a sweet tasting mayo-type dressing. Because of the sweetness, I'm sure there was sugar in there somewhere. The only other veggie was green beans - FRIED green beans! Why oh why do people find it necessary to take a perfectly good vegetable and murder it in oil? The other salads were all marshmallow "fruit" salads and pasta salads. I didn't eat any of those.

You're probably thinking, "well that's okay, ladyhoward, you did the best you could". Hold that thought. Because I knew I'd be continuing longer than 30 days, I went ahead and ATE THE CHEESECAKE they served for dessert. I know! Don't judge me! I tried to justify it as an "early reintroduction" but I know that won't fly with the peeps on this forum. Go ahead, bring forth your comments, I'm ready.

In all seriousness, I felt awful afterwards so I know that dairy will be out for good. And the sugar cravings were FIERCE after I ate the cheesecake so I know that sugar must be avoided at all costs as much as I can control.

This Whole30 program really is the best plan out there for true freedom and health. Maybe I needed a last ditch test of it's authenticity - maybe I was just weak since it's usually at that point that your brain tries to get one last taste of "the forbidden fruit". Whatever it is - I'm done with the games and the justifications lies. I'm bigger than my brain and my cravings, and I'm ready to start kickin' @$$ and takin' names. I'm worth it. The cheesecake is not.

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