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No Frickin' Way!!


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So, My first Whole30 is done! I feel pretty kick ass about it too! This seemed so hard in the beginning and now it is like second nature plus grocery shopping is pretty dang simple.I loved what I ate and even started yoga and totally enjoy it. I am feeling pretty smug with my homemade mayo and kombucha successes, as well! ;)

I ended up losing 12 pounds! Plus, I now drink a healthy amount of water. My focus is amazing for ADD me and I took one of the hardest exams I have ever taken to be accepted into my medical imaging program and was calm and collected the whole time. I sorta want to go running too which is crazy for me! LOL

My chronic back and neck pain is gone along with some weirdo breathing issues. Hooray!

So, all of this sounds pretty good but I continue to be shocked even after my Whole 30 is over...

Last night I ate 2 small cookies and thought "Oh no! I wonder if this will wake the slumbering sugar dragon?" I am happy to report that after the cookies, all I could think was "good lord, those were sweet." I even felt nauseous and then like I was a little drunk. This morning when I woke up I poked the sugar dragon to see if he was awake and NOPE! I have no desire for more sweets. Glad they were not gateway cookies. I love that I can have a taste of something and stop now, although indulging wont be often as I feel a bit hung over.

In fact, all I wanted this morning was some meat and veggies and fat. When I read that this program will change your relationship with food forever, I admit I did a secret eye-roll but, it seems it really did! I feel empowered by my good choices and want to eat this way forever. That is my best result of all! :wub:

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WOOOOHOOOO! Congrats lady, I'm proud of you and I am happy that they weren't "gateway cookies" and OF COURSE I am happy yoga claims another soul...in the good way.

Will you be joining the herd in January?

Sing your success from the rooftop and have a happy holidays!

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I'm so happy for you! Also, I want to thank you for the inspiration to do the Whole30 starting the day after T-day. It was great for me, and your consistenly positive and upbeat outlook really kept me having fun. It has been wonderful to do this along with someone who is so excited about the food we're eating and the changes we're seeing.

Have a wonderful Christmas and hooray for not feeling the cravings for the sweets anymore!

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Awesome! I like to look back over my journey as well...there was a time when I craved my former breakfasts that were loaded with refined carbs, added sugars and the like. I laughed this morning when I thought to myself "I wonder if I have time to back some butternut squash?"

Who am I?

Congrats Rebecca! You did it!

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