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Timeline if reactions?

Carly J

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Can someone not have a reaction to a food until 2-4 days after consumption? On Thanksgiving I ate a beef roast, green bean casserole, a sweet potato marshmallow casserole, and drank a glass of wine. That next Friday morning I had some leftovers. Ate clean over the weekend. Monday comes, and I feel intensely horrible, a hot mess! Emotionally sensitive, brain fog, exhausted, and achy. This lasted Monday-Tuesday, and today my arms just ache a little. I would expect minor symptoms for a week or so after eating those things, but it doesn't make sense to feel hardly any symptoms then feel like I have the flu 3 days later. Would anyone say something else outside of food could have contributed to my symptoms? I see it's common to feel great the day of but then feel it hard core 24 hours later. But 2-3 days later?

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I think that would be plausible.  If you don't mind taking the time, recreate the situation again after a period of baseline to see if the second round produces the effects of the first. If it does, then break it down to individual food testing to find the culprit.  If it's a 'worth it' food, it'd be good to know to rule out other factors.

I plan to re-intro in a few months a few 'healthy' food items that I discovered that I am allergic to on W30.  

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