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New to Whole 30, Day 3 today

Christine W.

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Hi :)  I'm a little late getting started here but wanted to join in the discussions.  My husband and I started Whole 30 for the first time 3 days ago.  I'm not feeling too great at the moment.  I feel kind if dizzy,  I have gas, and I'm pretty foggy in the brain.  I understand this is normal.  My husband feels "fine" ; which really annoys me :)!  It seems like a bit of a roller coaster for me.  I'm grateful I'm not too hungry because that usually happens to me when I try and follow an eating plan.  But I do crave sugar BIG TIME especially after dinnertime.   Anyways, it's nice to have support!  Thanks.

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Hi, Christine. Sorry you're not having a great time -- the first few days can be pretty rough, especially if this is a big change from how you're used to eating. Be sure you're eating enough (follow the meal template for each meal -- people who may be used to restrictive, calorie-counting diets can be surprised by how much food you can eat on Whole30), salt your food to taste, and drink plenty of water (we recommend aiming for 1/2 oz per pound of body weight, so a 120 lb person would need at least 60 oz). 

Here's a timeline that can help you know what to expect as you go through your 30 days, although keep in mind that everyone is different and may not follow it exactly, it's just a representative depiction of what a large number of people experience.

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