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My first Whole30 - advice for being out with friends?


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Today is day two of my first Whole30. I started on January 2 and Have mostly just been scared about messing up! I went shopping on Monday and bought a bunch of food, then came home and meal prepped all night. I have a calendar that I am keeping a list of my meals in. I planned out only for one week, as that was the recommended amount to initially start with. I’m feeling good so far. I had a super bad headache last night which From what I have read, that is all of the junk slowly leaving my body! 

Any advice for being out and about with friends would be great. I have a friends 40th birthday coming up on January 5, and I am terrified of how that will go down! It is at a bar where appetizers will be served, so I am planning to eat before hand and just drink water while I’m there. 

 Thanks in advance for the support!

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That sounds like a solid plan! The only thing I might add is that if you keep some emergency food in your purse (Lara Bars, Chomps, etc.), that might be helpful if you wind up being out longer than anticipated, or just get hungrier than you thought you might.


I actually find that the black-and-white structure of the Whole30 plan makes it pretty easy to say no. 

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I agree with the, easy to say not statement. This is my second JanWhole30 and last year I remember staying in and doing a lot of crafts. This year is another story.... Tonight is a retirement party, tomorrow we're getting a massive amount of snow which is good for drinking red wine, and then Friday is my company holiday party at a winery. EH! 

Tonight I'm going to drink soda water... I like the bubbles. 

BUT, we can do it. We've put in all this time and effort to prep, we HAVE to keep going! 

SO WORTH IT TO JUST SAY NO! Turns out everyone is encouraging or doesnt know anything about it. I just say, "I'm doing a nutrition reset" and that seems to be enough to make them stop asking questions. 

Good Luck! You can do it! 

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