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Day 3 feeling good

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Hi everyone,

today is my third day of my first whole30 and I feel fine...I didn't have the day 2 hangover and I'm not feeling annoyed by everything today (I think that is the norm for day 3? or is that day 4?) 

Am I likely missing something...? Or was my diet not as bad as I thought prior to starting this? The only thing I feel really is that I'm more hungry between meals, but I've put that down to the portion control I'm doing, as well as not snacking.

Anyone else found this?


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The timeline is a general guide as to how many people feel when doing Whole30, but isn't representative of everyone's experiences. I've never had the hangover phase, but I'm on Whole30 #4, and I've had the "Kill All The Things" feelings right on time, every time.

Also, if you're hungry between meals, you likely need to eat more. The goal is to be able to last 4-5 hours between meals. The only portion control that's recommended is following the meal template.

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How you feel that first week is a correlation with how you ate before so you could have had a reasonably healthy diet before. 

To add to what purplepadres mentioned, take a look at your plated fat. A lot of people hungry in between meals seem to be lacking on the plated fat part of their meal. 

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Omg me too! It's so weird, all I feel is just a little tired! My diet was complete junk before, so I'm really surprised.

I think the first few days I was lacking protein. I had, for example, one egg when you're supposed to have the amount of eggs you can hold in your hand per meal. If not your fat, maybe check your protein?

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Thanks for your responses ladies :) Things are looking up, I'm not getting as hungry anymore so I think I'm either plating better or just getting used to the structure of no snacking. I've only had one day of feeling REALLY tired, so hopefully things will continue to look good haha. 

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