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Breastfeeding clogged ducts

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

So I'm on day 13 of my W30 which is not much different then my usual diet except I've cut out intermittently eating crappy processed foods (which I ate in addition to a largely W30 diet).  Since doing so I have had multiple clogs every.single.day.  I used to get a clog once a week, maybe once every 2 weeks.  I can usually clear them with some heat and forcefully pressing above the clog and almost popping it like a zit.  But multiple clogs a day is new and a little crazy.  Has anyone else noticed this?  The only thing that is really different is I've been eating more coconut milk - I'm wondering if there is some truth to the suggestions out there on breastfeeding sites to not eat too much saturated fat...?  I'm going to try cutting it out for a few days and see what happens.  

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

Good luck!  I did a mostly W30 immediately post partum - it was great!  

I've also been pretty dehydrated lately - yesterday I did great with water intake so didn't cut the coconut milk out as planned (because if I can fix this with water rather than cutting coconut milk that would be great!) - no clogs in 36 hours!

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  • 1 month later...

Uncertain if you are still getting clogged ducts, but if you are, look into taking sunflower lecithin, it helps the milk not be so "sticky" if that makes sense. At different points in my nursing journey, I would have to take 2 pills at 3times daily. Anytime I stopped, the clogs would return. Of course, please consult with an LC. Kelly mom website has current dosage recommendations.

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

I have some lecithin in the pantry - I'd take it if I couldn't clear it on my own with heat/massage/dangle feeding.  Usually it cleared right after I took it.  And I think it was just some weird phase - sooooo many clogs and then poof, back to my normal of one every week or so.  Weird.  Little guy is getting old(er) for nursing, he is 14m now, I'm wondering if it was a transition to a fattier milk for him or something that caused those few weeks of issues...?  Who knows :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The other natural remedy that works fantastically IME (although I'm not sure why) is cabbage leaves. Place raw cabbage leaves around the breast where the blocked ducts are & change for fresh leaves every 2 hrs or so. The advice is to stop the cabbage treatment as soon as the ducts clear as it can also halt milk production. 

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  • 1 month later...

I second the sunflower lecithin. Worked wonders for me! I was getting clogged ducts & mastitis 2x and since I started taking it daily, I haven't gotten a single clog. Id rather not risk an infection again, so I just maintain daily. 

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