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Chicken Sausage has Cheese


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Hi everyone!


Question to the group-I recently purchased (and ate) Brat Hans Chicken Spinach Sausage.  When I later looked it up online to add the calories and nutritional facts into my tracker every place online referred to it as "chicken sausage feta". This was both at WholeFoods.com and Brat Hans.com.  Here's the kicker-No where in in the ingredient list does it list cheese nor does the packaging mention cheese.  I'm about 8 days into my whole 30 and I would hate to start over because I unknowingly ate cheese.


Has anyone else ate these and no if they are compliant or heard that they are mislabeled online?






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If the one in your actual hand that you actually cooked has compliant ingredients, I wouldn't worry about what people are saying online.

That said, we really encourage you to step away from calorie and nutrient trackers during your Whole30. One of the goals of the program is to turn up the volume of what your body is saying and mute the volume on outside sources that are telling you how much you should or shouldn't eat. Get in touch with how you're feeling, how much food you need to feel your best and what your optimal meal composition should be. You don't need an app created by someone who's never met you to tell you how much to eat. ;) 

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