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I'd done a Whole30 before, several years ago, out of desperation because doctors had no idea what was wrong with me (for the second time in my life - the first time I turned it mostly around with Macrobiotics), but I was really sick and not getting better. I had - for years - constant IBS-D, perpetual unexplained weight gain, eczema, drastic bloating after eating, joint pain, not sleeping well, always waking up feeling groggy and water-logged (my entire legs were always puffy), and so so so so tired and weepy and cranky all the time, especially after eating pasta or bread. I was also not retaining lots of nutrients in a serious way, especially B, D, iron, and iodine, and my white blood cell count was troubling (they suspected cancer - it wasn't). They tested me for E V E R Y T H I N G, and I am sure I should get some sort of prize for number of stool samples collected. They couldn't figure it out. I started tracking reactions to food and it was just all over the place. Even mustard made me sick. Who the heck gets sick from MUSTARD?? Anyway, the one thing they did find was a nice fat candida overgrowth, which was very very stubborn. I was on the second round of anti-fungals which was just not having an effect.

Enter Whole30.

Everything cleared up. The candida got under control. I looked and felt great. At reintroduction, it was clear to me at the time that gluten was the culprit, because whenever I had a piece of bread, all the dreaded symptoms came back. I had already been in treatment for hypothyroidism (T3 and T4, totally ineffective), had been on BCP for many years, with a family history of Autoimmune Disease so there was good reason to believe this was, in fact, a gluten issue, possibly celiac, but they tested after I'd already been eating W30 and then paleo for a while, so the result of the antibodies test was of course negative. Not wanting to take any chances, I decided to eat from that moment on as if it was celiac but to hope it was something else that I could figure out later. 

But despite all this healthy and very careful, very consequent eating, I was still sometimes getting unexplained symptoms, though I couldn't discern a pattern. I even developed a brand new cow-milk allergy at that point. And once I started regularly eating gluten-free breads and pastas and whatnot, it all got a bit worse, and I couldn't deny that something else was the problem and I was heading back "There" again. But I thought it was the extra additives, the preservatives, maybe the mayo, or mustard, on my sandwiches, certain (sheep or goat's milk) cheeses for whatever reason, or just a combination of everything. It was frustrating. My boyfriend helpfully (grrr) pointed out my late-night cravings: if not a glass of wine (or 2), then chips, or dried fruit, or chocolate. He said, not for the first time: "I think it's yeast. You have a sugar problem". BOYFRIEND, STOP POINTING OUT THE OBVIOUS, CAN'T YOU SEE I NEED MORE SUFFERING. 

We moved really recently, and as luck would have it, we moved a block away from this incredible artisan bakery, that does not use any yeast. All sourdough. My first delicious piece of bread in... 5? 6? years? Was heavenly. And I had a little bloating, but just a little, and just that, no other problems. But I wasn't sure. I ate a lot of bread for a few weeks, and when I say ate I mean gorged, and eventually I didn't feel that great anymore. Again. Sigh. So I decided the candida was back and the gluten just needed some time to kick into action. I started another Whole30 to just buy some time.

On Day 2 of my current Whole30, I got myself this awesome anti-candida pro-gut health treatment, to kick start the process of deleting sugar and to hopefully avoid the anti-fungals, which were just really brutal when I'd taken them years ago. This new treatment is made of 100% yeast, but a specific kind of yeast. I figured hey, it either kills the candida which I may or may not have, or it doesn't. It will just exit my body with no effect. Well let me tell you, that was about the stupidest assumption at the end of a long chain of stupid assumptions that I'd made over a period of a long time. I took one pill and within 5 minutes my throat swelled up, I had trouble breathing, my left knee and hip started to really hurt, I felt like I had some kind of horrible insta- flu, and I was immediately so tired that even though I was walking the dog, I could barely keep my eyes open. I literally wanted to just lie down on the sidewalk in the freezing cold and sleep forever, and it took everything I had to drag myself home and take an allergy pill. I dragged myself back to the pharmacy the next morning, still feeling like I got hit by a truck, where I got a stern lecture about anaphylactic shock and had to promise to take more allergy meds and to go immediately to a doctor if it doesn't markedly improve.

So yes. I get it now. I really truly do. My name is Butterbean, and I am allergic to yeast. 


Here comes the diary:

I tend to be 100% compliant so I won't write out my food unless something notable happens, just my symptoms and experience as I progress. 

Day 1 was totally fine, no big deal. I hadn't planned on starting right then and there but what the hell. And this was the right choice. 

Day 2 I wanted to eat all day long, anything, anything at all, and I started looking around for sugary snacks later in the day. I was super restless. I REALLY WANTED ORGANIC DRIED APRICOTS REALLY VERY MUCH RIGHT NOW. Or dried mango. Or baklava (I literally have not eaten baklava in like 15 years, so...huh?). But I was 100% compliant. (This was the day I took the yeast). Such an uncomfortable day. 

Day 3 Oi. On Day 3 my poop looked like almond butter. So much poop. So much gurgling. Very not sexy. AND SO TIRED. I slept late, then took a two hour nap in the afternoon, and went to bed at 9:30. (I usually go to bed any time between 1am and 3am). I had a foggy brain, not remembering pretty basic things, like: why did I just walk into this room.

Day 4 I felt a teensy bit less bloated today, but still pretty exhausted, like someone took the batteries out. My eyes hurt, my neck and throat, as if I am about to have a flu. But we all know it's not the real flu. I still have almond butter poop but it's not this fountain from yesterday. Sorry, TMI? I live in Germany and we talk about that stuff a lot. I was dizzy a few times today when I turned my head too quickly, a symptom I know from when I'm not doing very well. I was very not hungry at all, and I got full immediately and stayed that way. I could sleep all day long. Fog brain. Eyeball pressure. Whatever. It all sounds quite drastic but in fact I feel ok despite the weird symptoms. Emotionally I feel really good. 


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Hey there, what a story! Never new yeast is a thing a person can be allergic too. I mean, what's yeast anyways?  Well, I just googled it and it turns out it's a fungus! May I ask, did a doctor confirm the yeast allergy, or is this a conclusion from the one reaction to the yeast pill? Did the pill only consist of yeast or did it have other ingredients? Have you maybe considered that it's more and not just a yeast, but fungus problem in general?

I'm sorry for all the questions, don't want to discourage you in any way, just want to help you through this. It reads like you are really determent and so I thought it's okay to ask. 

Are you familiar with the bulletproof diet/Dave Asprey? He has a lot of article about fungus in food that has an influence on your whole being. I am not suggesting you should steer away from the Whole30, but maybe these article could be interesting to you. I speak from my own experience. For instance, I know that coffee and I don't really mix, but when the beans are high quality and I know they have no/low fungus in them it's okay to have a cup. When I drink the coffee from the machine at work I react. I start sweating this stinky sweat, face turns red, nose starts itching.. 

Also, if you want to take it further after your whole30 because you feel you aren't there yet, maybe trying AIP for a period of time before introducing foods again could be a good step up. 

Just suggestions, no pressure! I admire your story and determination to get through these rough days. Hang in there! 


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Hey Helen! thanks for writing. Here's a short novel in reply. 

Don't worry, you can't discourage me, I have been on this particular journey for, let me think... close to 20? years, and believe me, I have already thought of and gone through everything, but I appreciate the co-thinking :). I see this as a long process of slowly, slowly getting closer to optimal health, one step left, one step right, one step back, two steps forward. 

I have indeed done the AIP protocol with paleo for the better part of a year? or longer? I really can't remember anymore (because, remember, I assumed I could have celiac) and it did not have a positive impact on me that I could discern, was just expensive and frustrating. I don't really like or crave most of the AIP foods, and those that I do love have more obvious and direct problems for me (ie wine, dried fruit, cow milk). I was most nervous and careful back then about introducing macadamia nuts, eggs, onions, garlic, tomatoes and SPICES (ugh that was miserable because I love to cook Indian food) back in, but there was really just no problem there that I could tell. Much much later, when it occurred to me to find high-quality sheep or goat milk/butter/cheese, I did notice that sometimes I would react to specific cheeses, and I think this is because of the mould used to create certain cheeses.

I also briefly "did" the Bulletproof thing, a few times, but it wasn't a good fit for me because of the butter in the coffee (but I actually do love a dab of coconut oil) and in general I was eating too much fat for my body.  

The pill was 100% yeast, a strain prepared for only that. This happened 2 days ago, so I have not seen a doctor for it, and probably will not, because I've accomplished more on my own than with a doctor. My pharmacist, however, was quite clear about my never consuming yeast again, based on my history and the reaction. My boyfriend, of course, has been telling me for years that it's yeast, based on what I eat and how I react. He was GF for a few years, too, and his sister has a quite serious immune disease so he is familiar with the issues there, too. 

I grew up with constant ear infections and colds and strep, but I was always very athletic, active and fit despite always feeling like weight was a struggle. There were always an extra 10-20 for no good reason. After university, weight started to creep up a bit more, but I was still working out and being really active. The first "crisis" hit me after a friend and I decided to do that hilarious blood type diet. Here is where it gets really interesting. My mother told me that I was type A+ blood. So I ate accordingly: lots of grains and vegetables, very little meat. Still running every few days, still lifting. But about 6 months later, I was about 60 pounds heavier. That is when the parade of doctors began. If I had only known then that I actually have O+ blood, I would have been eating meat and veggies and saved myself a lot of drama and chaos in the intervening 20 years. 

Incidentally, I do not think I had a massive candida overgrowth way back when I was undergoing treatment for it. I do not think I have celiac, or another autoimmune disease. I think the problem that started it all was that I was not breastfed for even 3 months, missing out on some essential early immune protection, and especially that my family ate a very high-carb, low-fat diet, where sugar played an increasing role. I learned much, much too late how I was actually causing inflammation in my body. I could see how a yeast allergy might explain all the symptoms going all the way back, but I can also see how maybe it's just that I have become a sugar victim whose own healthy yeast is just reeling from years of abuse. 

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Wow, thank you for sharing. :) 

I hear you when you say you have done more on your own than with the help of doctors. I was at my doctor yesterday and opted the I think I have intolerances and allergies that cause my dubious strange symptoms and the first thing she said was. Yes, we can't really test for that though. We could test you, but that still doesn't tell you if it's that... So yes, live and learn, trial and error is the best way to discover how your own body works, is how I see it. 

It's funny almost, but also maybe sad to read your story about growing up and when it all started when I look at my own story. I myself had constant bladder infections due to a faulty kidney and thus was on a lot of antibiotics throughout my youth up until I was about 13 and had more treatments during the years after. I believe this messed up my immune system. Though I was rarely sick when younger when I was in my early 20s I started gaining weight (was also athletic) when I thought I was being more healthy incorporating more whole grains and olive oil and such. Yeah, that didn't help me either. :/ 

On another note, I thought the blood-type diet has been debunked a couple of years ago and think maybe you felt better just because you where eating less harmfully overall? I read the debunking on Mark's Daily Apple awhile back, just looked it up. Don't think this was the article, but it's similar and does point out some flaws to the B-T diet. Anyways, not really an issue now, but maybe you are interested in the article: https://www.marksdailyapple.com/blood-type-diet/

I do hope steering away from the yeast and slaying your sugar dragon will finally give relieve and get you on that food freedom forever path of not worrying anymore and enjoying the food you can eat. 

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Yes, the blood type diet was super shady, but it was still really "in" about 20 years ago, which is when I did it. I do know about the debunking, but really, it was kind of obviously a dumb idea, ha ha. We tried a lot of fad diets back then. Our poor bodies! 

I have also had periods of stubborn UTIs, which in my body I always relate to general inflammation. In fact I had another one not too long ago, which was another sign that things were heading in the wrong direction again. Totally agree that antibiotics can have a negative lasting effect; I was on one or more rounds every single year growing up, and a dermatologist at university put me on long term antibiotics which I took for TWO YEARS STRAIGHT, and this certainly did a number on me. Doctors, really. Ugh. 

I actually believe that high-quality grains CAN be a part of a healthy diet. I certainly look forward to enjoying that artisanal sourdough bread dipped in a bit (not a jug) of serious olive oil and a pinch of sea salt. But not for the next, well, few months probably, until I find some more balance in my body. When I went on that bread binge a few weeks ago, the yeast wasn't there to give me the immediate reactions, but the carbs were not doing me any favours, and that's ultimately why, I think, I did poorly over time. Plus anyone watching me gobbling down bread could see there was something hilariously, um, wrong. It was like crack. Clearly, my sugar cravings were really out of control. 


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Hmmmm yes bread dippings in salty oil ^_^ or bread with real butter and sea salt. yummy! Maybe next Christmas I will allow myself some bread and salty butter indulgence. My boyfriend feels fine with al the bread and peanut butter he eats, so probably you are right ^_-  Guess I was reflection a personal issue (I think I am allergic to (amongst other things) grasses and this not only shows in hay fever madness but also in food aka al the grains even rice and also suspect a leaky gut.

How's your day going so far? I'm on day 12 and taking it very easy due to a busy day I had yesterday. Just a bit of meal-planning, eating, a load of laundry, some more meal planning, eating and lots of cuddles with our two cats. Just enjoyed some leftover pulled chicken pesto from one of my paleo cookbooks and cherry tomatoes. 

I just remembered... when I was younger anytime we had fresh bread in the house I could, and when I got the chance would, eat the whole bread. I would start with just some slices but always return right back in the kitchen to get some more and then the bread was gone, didn't even matter what was on it cheese, hagelslag, jelly, ham... just plain bread or some butter. I ate it all.  :lol:

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Day 5 I'm suddenly much less tired, and more alert generally. But my poop is still loose (as always) and really super pale, which was a bit shocking. My theory is that I had too much fat on days 2 and 4, plus my body was kind of shocked by the yeast incident on day 2, since this started Day 3 and then got better, then worse again. I will try to eat more green fibre today and hopefully it will improve tomorrow. I don't have any other weird body things happening right now, so hopefully it will pass soon. Get it? Pass soon? Thank you, I'll be here all week, ladies and gents. 

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Day 6 Had a great dinner last night with friends, they cooked delicious food that happened to be totally compliant (I skipped dessert and wine) so it was a total breeze. It's interesting that yesterday was so easy. I think a few days ago it would have been absolute torture to not have a glass of wine or at least a nibble of cheese or dessert. 

Stomach issues seem to have cleared up. I'm certain I have lost at least a pound or two, based on how my pants fit. Cooking dinner was kind of a drag, because I hadn't really planned it out, and so I had to do a quick meal that overcooked while I finished other things. Whoops. But at least I'm not hungry now? 

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Day 7 Cool! One week down. I woke up a bit tired this morning, but that might be just coincidence. I've noticed a slight cranky/sad wave towards evening today and yesterday, but really just a little wave. Still sometimes getting a bit dizzy when I move my head too quickly, and my boyfriend pointed out that I have what he called the detox under-eye circles (sort of puffy but just right beside my nose). My skin is breaking out in strange ways and in strange places, but nothing unmanageable. 

I had been photographing meals with an app but I don't feel the need to do that anymore and have started to keep forgetting, anyway. But it was really useful to keep me accountable the first several days, and I would recommend it to anyone who is considering it.

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I've been reading your last couple entries, and I'm proud to see your journey so far! I'm on Day 6 myself... and I had a similar dip in energy (and the headaches ohhh the headaches all day) yesterday. Today I felt a lot better, so I'm wondering if it's all coincidence or something wasn't meshing on my meal planning. Good luck on your journey this time around! I'm glad to see you identified a yeast allergy on round one - I hope it's helped you since then. 

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Day 8 Went quite well, but I missed a bit of sleep last night and then had to ride my bike in the freezing cold to do some important errands first thing in the morning. It's not even 8pm and I feel like going to bed now. T I R E D. Or it's DrawMonkey's Famous Energy Dip!

What I eat at this point: I've been making big salads for lunch these past several days and I just love it. Cabbage, carrots, zucchini, fish or roasted chicken, fennel, and whatever else I have lying around waiting to be eaten, with just a little bit of olive oil and lemon juice, sea salt. My body loves it, too. I make them in the morning and eat whatever doesn't fit in the lunchbox thingy for breakfast, maybe with an extra egg, and at night I roast a bunch of veggies and meat or whatever is in the slow cooker, if I've prepared something in advance. Snacks are a handful of macadamias, or tea. Very rarely, a handful of berries. It's not a drastically huge departure from my previous eating habits, with a few glaring exceptions: dried fruits, wine, chocolate as snacks, and bread for sandwiches. Sandwiches are soooo easy. I've also not been eating out so I'm not getting all the rice or potatoes that I normally do!

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I'm falling behind here on the updates. Mostly because not much is happening. I may have lost a little tiny bit more weight based on my jeans, but I don't know for sure. 

Day 10 Period arrived, rather on the early side for me (day 23), but nothing extraordinary; I've never been regular. I was a little grumpy and tired, as usual. Everything was fine, but lunch and dinner were hard boiled eggs, nuts and berries, literally, and then we had a really late performance so I did have a small handful of  (delicious) grapes in the dressing room afterwards while everyone else chowed down on cookies and beer and whatever else they were eating. I know grapes are not forbidden but I've been abstaining from anything other than berries to keep sugar down, and this was the first deviation I've had so far. I don't feel bad about it or anything, I was really hungry, cold, tired, and it's just grapes. I don't feel like it threw me off track because today....

Day 11 I feel just fine. I wish I could have slept a bit longer these past few days. I'm still breaking out in odd places all over my body, but yesterday I started dry brushing to try to  encourage all that stuff to work itself out of my skin. It feels really dumb to say "toxins" but, yeah. Toxins. My face is looking... tired. I don't look very glowy, that's for sure. The few lines I get when I'm tired are a little deeper, and I just look kinda beat. I might not be drinking enough water. Typically, I'm drinking between 2 to 3 litres per day  (also in the form of tea and coffee) but I think my body needs more right now, oddly enough. 

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Just thought of a few other things I should have added to the above entries. TMI alert: I just noticed while changing for bed that my breast tissue actually feels really different. I have nooooooo idea what or why or how to describe that, but it really does. Not only that, but in the last couple of days, I've been feeling, ahem, *extra frisky*, and super sensitive. And I even have my period. IT'S ALL VERY WEIRD. But this is big, people. We need to get all our world leaders to do the Whole 30 because I'm pretty sure we would all have a lot fewer problems as a result. 

The other thing is that I am again so so so tired at night (I have trouble keeping my eyes open after 9:30). This seems to be a few days on, a few days off. 

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I like blaming as many things as possible on my period.

Day 12: I had a bit of a late night snack attack, but there was nothing to do about it, after my second hardboiled egg, which did not seem to do the trick. I was actually pretty hungry, and up late, so I had to try to feed my hunger with a nice glass of water. Yay. It was the first night that I really craved either sweets or salty crunchy anythings. I think I ate enough all day, but maybe I need to have more protein a bit later. My teeth are a bit sensitive, these past few days. I remember that from my first round long ago but don't remember if I ever figured out why that was.

I may eat my words later but I really don't feel at this point like it's been too difficult to get through this. I remember it being WAY harder last time, but that could be because it was a much bigger dietary change back then, and I was desperate for answers so there was a lot more emotionality generally. 

Overall, I don't have to think too much about the rules, except when I forget to have enough on hand to eat. Meals aren't really a big deal but snacks tend to be tricky. I crave nuts, but I don't want to eat too many of them, and though I love kohlrabi, I'm hungry again not long after. I would love some beef jerky, but that's not something I can find (or make) easily where I live. 

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Day 13 There's really not much to report. Same old, same old. Going well, it's not difficult.  I forget to update here because it's going well and I'm also really quite busy. 

Day 14 I've got a sore throat that sort of comes and goes, but doesn't ever turn into anything more. Strangely, it hurts mostly on the left side. I'm also having like weird phantom almost-cramps on the left side, not painful but there. Like mittelschmerz totally early. So weird. 

Day 15 Sore throat again today. It's a thing in the morning and evening, during the day it's nothing. Still just on the left. But it doesn't hurt enough to need pain meds and it's not turning into anything worse. I'm drinking some special tea I got in China for sore throats, let's see what that does. The pharmacy called to remind me again to never eat yeast again. Nice that they care, but I assured them I got this. :) 

I'm getting comments about how thin I look, so I'm guessing I lost quite a bit already, just two weeks in. I'd guess somewhere around the neighbourhood of 10 lbs based on how things fit. I've been able to wear a coat I had to put away for months, and my jeans are looser. I'm looking a little healthier in my face, I think; I don't look quite as drained and exhausted as I had until now. This has been so easy, and I feel SO MUCH BETTER overall, especially physically, and a bit more balanced emotionally. My constant digestive dramas are 85% less, which makes it so easy to choose the right things. So it should be no surprise that the excess weight is just kind of falling off since everything else is also clicking. 

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Day 16 Sore throat is marginally better today; now my BF has it. So it's unrelated to Whole 30, just a plain old sore throat. I could use a bit more sleep, still... I spontaneously wake up every single day a good hour or two too soon and can't get back down again, and am going to bed an hour or two too late. Not good. But otherwise I'm doing just fine.



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Day 17 a bit tired from lack of sleep and just general lack of energy. I was a little cranky... but for several reasons, I didn't have a chance to eat breakfast or lunch! Dinner was very late. MY BF is now Sick with a capital S. Funny that I never got all-out sick, usually it's the other way around; he gets a sore throat for a day or two and I'm hacking away in bed. I'm feeling much better today in terms of the sore throat... that's pretty much been the only real symptom over days.

Day 18 Much better today, though I know I snored all night and sleep didn't feel all that restful since SOMEONE was kicking me all night to stop snoring. I'm having weird dreams.


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Day 19 I had a challenging few days because I haven't really had a chance to eat properly every day, and sleep has been difficult. I know I've had weird, disturbed dreams at night, but I can only recall glimpses. On top of that, we've had some really lovely houseguests who bring really lovely bottles of wine and bake things that I can't have. It's ok, but it's not really fun to be the odd man out. 

I've reread my posts here, and want to mention that I'm going through some significant personal stress here, which is the biggest reason for the sort of "meh" attitude throughout my blog. The Whole30 itself is going really well and I feel generally improved in all ways, consistently (with the exception of things like waking up feeling hungover...)

Day 20 I woke up today feeling pretty crappy. As if I were hungover, but obviously I was not. Maybe I didn't eat enough, and I surely didn't drink enough water despite being quite thirsty. It's a bit unsettling, just how gross and specifically hungover I feel though. Dizzy, thirsty, headache, the whole thing. I'm drinking so much water right now and it's just only slightly improving so far. 

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Day 21 Whelp, no idea what was up yesterday, but I feel fine today. I suspect it might have been because on the evening of Day 19, I was around a lot of smoke, like a lot lot, plus didn't eat or drink enough, plus stayed up really late. It was also a super emotional day. Over the course of Day 20, I drank about 5½-6 litres of water and tea, and that was exactly enough to feel rehydrated by evening. Yikes! I also learned that I had about a half a teaspoon ? guessing? of fish sauce on Day 19, which is a fermented product and contains sugar. Maybe that contributed? 

Last night I slept well, and I may have lost a bit more weight again, because my pants are looser in another new way. But I have not really been eating enough. The overall status aside from weight loss right now is that my stomach is calm (hallelujah), I'm not at all bloated (amen), I'm rather thirsty, and I am a bit weak... like coming up the stairs weak, holding something up for several minutes and my arm gets weak, which is weird for me. I tend to have power. I'm going to try to eat much more today to see if it's just a calorie deficit, which I think it might be. 

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Day 22 I must have been sleepwalking when I decided to have raw, organic sauerkraut for dinner. From the first bite on, and certainly within 20 minutes of the first bite, there was war inside my guts. Liquid war. And I also had an allergic reaction: little asthma, swollen face. But this morning it's almost all better. The reaction was surely due to the fermented aspect. But it's a bit sad and surprising, even though I know I have to avoid fermented things. I like (good) sauerkraut. Usually I make it with beef stock, onions, carrots, cumin, and leave it in the cooker overnight. This time I just baked it with a bit of meat in the oven for an hour plain. So... no sauerkraut for now.

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Day 24 Still dealing with some fallout (ha ha) and bloating of The Sauerkraut Incident on day 24. My face looks a bit better but the skin is far from smooth. This morning I felt nauseous before I could eat breakfast, a particular feeling I haven't had since before this W30.

Day 25 It's the 4th day of Sauerkraut Sadness. But I think it's mostly on the way out now, it and the horse it rode in on. I suspect the bloating will be with me a few days longer, but my guts feel a bit more sorted. I do have nausea again this morning, though, which I guess is all the little bacterias and yeasties which are having a reprise. Dammit. Ah well I'd planned to do another W30 on top of this one anyway. I'm still annoyed that this happened thanks to sauerkraut, and not something dumb like a bag of gummy worms or whatever. 


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