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Help - Daaaaays of Constipation


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I'm currently at the end of Day 12 of Whole30 and have been constipated for days. Let it be known that I'm not a huge eater, but am eating 3 meals a day unlike in the past, so that should definitely count for something! I'm wondering if it's the foods I'm eating, or just my body's reaction to this new regime. In any case, would like some feedback on whether this will pass, or if I need to alter something. Admittedly, I'm not eating many leafy greens as my veggies of choice are: potatoes, root vegetables, raw carrots, tomatoes and celery and lots of avocados. Is how quickly you chew food a factor in this? 

My legs have also felt like I'm walking in cement for the past few days. Today they're getting better. 

Thank you!

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You haven't provided a lot of information outside of a list of veggies which I will tell you if you're not eating a lot of non starchy veg with a lot of potato and root veggies, that can back you up.

Not sure what to say about chewing... this program has not done research into how the speed of chewing impacts digestion.

If you would like further help, please post a few days of what you've been eating including portion sizes, specific protein, fats, fruits and veggies, fluid intake and anything else you think might be relevant.

In the meantime, you might look and see if you can find some Natural Calm which is a magnesium supplement that helps the body by drawing fluids into the bowels. The unflavored one is compliant.  You can also google 'whole30 constipated' and, as this is a topic that comes up a fair amount, you'll find many threads with discussions and maybe something you read there will help.

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With the amount of information you've provided, I would say that you definitely need some other types of vegetables. You've got a lot of starches going in that can back you up. 

I would take an Epsom salt bath to get some magnesium in you. Plus, a warm bath will be relaxing!!

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