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Whole 5 (monday-friday)?


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Hi Everyone,

I'm day 18 of the January Whole 30. Once completed I plan on doing the reintroduction to determine any foods that I shouldn't be eating. However, I was wondering if anyone has tried doing a Whole 5 Monday- Friday and then just healthy eating on Saturday and Sunday (maybe a latte or dessert here and there but not going crazy)? Just wondering if this has worked/ not worked for anyone? Any thoughts and suggestions are welcome. Thank you! 

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Have you read the stuff about life after Whole30 here on the website? https://whole30.com/step-four-finished

Or the book Food Freedom Forever, if you like to have an actual book in your hands.

There are a couple of things I'd encourage you to think about in reference to a five-on, two-off type pattern. First, sometimes if you tell yourself that it's okay to indulge a little on certain days, you decide to indulge because you can, even if you don't really think whatever you're indulging in sounds that great. There's something about the mindset you can get into where you feel like, this is my chance to have this thing that's not healthy, and by gosh, I'm going to have it, no matter what.

The second thing I'd mention is that this doesn't account for things like your coworker making your very favorite cookies ever, from scratch, on a Monday. What do you do then? Are you going to say, my own personal rules say I only indulge on Saturday and Sunday, so I have to say no? Or switch days for the week?  Bend the rules? Wouldn't it be easier to know that if something comes up that you think is worth it, you can have it no matter what day it is? And isn't it possible you'll feel more able to turn down things that don't really sound all that special, because you know that when you do really want something, no matter what it is, or what day you want it, you can go ahead and indulge?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah this sounds like a version of 'cheat days.' Sounds like it should work in theory, but it messes with your head too much in practice. I agree times ten with the above!

It is pretty scary to think about riding your own bike: you want rules, because they've worked so well for you this whole time. But I think letting the rules end is the best thing to do, and practicing mindful choices (it really takes practice!), and continuing the journey of your food freedom/sanity.

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It has never worked for me in that framework. Mostly because you'll probably include Friday night in the mix because "weekend". And most of the time restrictions on those weekend days get looser and looser. Pretty soon you have 4 days on and 3 days off which amounts to doing it about half the time. Better bet is to decide how YOU wish to eat on a regular basis and make assessments for what is and is not worth it. This means that maybe you'll stay to your plan every Saturday and Sunday but sometimes on Wednesday night or Monday morning you find something worth it.

It's better not to pigeonhole yourself into "times" that you can go off your plan and rather assess it as it comes up.

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