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Hello there! I am new to the Whole30 program, however I eat about 80% paleo outside of the program. Like most people I started the Whole30 to reset my body and stray away from bad habits. I also have arthritis in my spine and I tend to get flare ups with the weather getting colder.  I have been successful with breaking those habits and having no pain so far, however I have had problems with both headaches and migraines the past four days. I am on day 14 of my Whole30 and feel as if I am eating everything I should be, however I think I am MISSING something from my diet. The following is my every day diet: 

Breakfast - Smoothie (Chashew milk, spinach, strawberries, raspberries, almond/cashew butter, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and the occasional mango) I will also eat either 1-2 eggs or just an RX bar if I am running short on time. 

Lunch - I eat a salad everyday. I use spinach, carrots, celery, red peppers, onion, the Whole30 Fast and Easy "Every day salad dressing", lemon, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and will occasionally top it with compliant chicken if I have it on hand.

Dinner - This is the only meal of the week I have been mixing up. I will either have a bowl of soup (chicken, carrots, celery, spinach, onion, homemade broth), yellow potatoes, and another meat such as chicken or pork. OR I will make a meal out of the Fast and Easy cookbook. I like to have meals with potatoes, meat and LOTS of veggies to steam or bake in olive oil (cauliflower, peppers, carrots, broccoli) as the main source of nutrients. 

I also drink about 3-4 cups of coffee in the mornings and in the evenings 1-2 times a week (I am in college and have two 3-hour night classes a week). 

I feel as if I sleep fine (8-9 hours every night) and I rarely have technology on an hour before bed. Although I do occasionally watch Netflix before bed, I am more inclined to believe it is a main source of nutrient I am not receiving rather than the amount/quality of sleep. What do I do?! The headaches often take my breath away or force me to lay down until the pain goes away. 

I am sorry for the novel, but I hope this is enough information! Thanks guys!

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Hi fellow-Shannon! You are definitely not eating enough food, my friend!

First, smoothies are highly discouraged on Whole30 as nutrients that you drink are handled very differently by the body than nutrients that you chew. This is also extremely sugar heavy with all the liquified fruit so you're setting yourself up for a blood sugar rollercoaster ride every day. These fluctuations in blood sugar will do nothing for your headaches!

For lunch, you only occassionally put protein on your salad? Spinach munches down to nearly nothing and lacking protein as well you are vastly undereating. Again, no kidding you have a headache!

I would sincerely suggest that you take a read of the meal template linked in my signature below (or google Whole30 meal template if you're on a mobile device). 1-2 palms of protein (length, width and thickness of your own palm), 1-2 fat sources and 2-3 cups+ of veggies (cooked or equivalent - salad would be way, WAY more).  Fruit should be eaten with meals, not on its own as a snack and should be 1-2 pieces per day at most.

How much water are you drinking each day? Are you salting your food? 

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Shannon, thank you for responding! It is interesting that you say I am not eating enough because it feels like I am SO full! If I were to omit the fruit from my morning smoothie would that be better? Other than the fruit none of the other ingredients I put it them contain sugar. If that would not improve the quality of the meal then I can switch to a different morning plan. 

I drink about four 12oz bottles per day, and I salt my food regularly. I will try eating more food & see how it goes! 

Thanks again for the recommendations, 


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That smoothie is probably contributing to how full you feel. Prioritize protein, veggies and fats. A sugar load like that in the morning isn't helping your satiety signals either.

Our water recommendation is half ounce per pound of bodyweight.  Your 48 ounces works if you weigh 96 pounds.

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