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Almost there...should I reintroduce?


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I am almost to day 30 (on day 28) and I am feeling good and want to keep on going it is not daunting to me at all to meal prep or eat the way I have been eating.  We have company coming into town though in 1.5 weeks from today and I want to enjoy deserts and going out to eat w/them.  I wanted to do the slow roll reintro phase but feel like I need to test out gluten and dairy - yes I know the two most troublesome areas before they get here.  Help, what should I do?  Should I just stick w/whole30 + through their visit and rule out any extras?  I know it is my choice but I feel a bit trapped.

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After day 30, pick a day and reintroduce dairy and see how it goes. Then a few days later (at least two days, longer if you want) do the same with gluten. If nothing else interests you right now, at least you've got the two big ones out of the way, and if you have a really strong reaction to either that you want to avoid, that can help you decide which dessert options you actually want when your company is visiting.

I would go ahead and do at least these two, though. Not everyone has strong reactions to these foods when they reintroduce them, so you might not, but you don't really want to discover you're lactose intolerant when you're entertaining a bunch of people.

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