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Former Vegan, converting back & Starting first Whole30 Today!!! 12/31/12


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Hello! I am starting my Whole 30 right now! I am so tired of feeling like crap and I am not waiting until tomorrow. Seems like I'm always waiting until tomorrow to do this kind of stuff and then I never do it.

A little back ground . . . went vegan over the last 2 years and got really into running, lost a little weight, then gained some back. Noticed recently in pics that I look like crap - just not healthy, and I'm hungry all the time. Recently read It Starts with Food, Robb Wolf's book, bought Well Fed and Every Day Paleo, and stumbled across EPLIFEFIT.com. Downloaded the Nom Nom Paleo App and started cooking last week. The meat dishes are taking some serious re-adjustment after being vegan but my husband sure is happy with his dinners again!! Anyway, I am so excited to hit the ground running and really learn what this is all about.

I plan on signing up for the whole 30 daily and hope to learn alot here on the message boards!!!

I'd love to here from anyone out there who is or was a P90X'r. We are thinking of starting that program as well or joining the local crossfit gym but have not decided which yet. We'd love some opinions!

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