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Sore throat relief for middle of the night

Whole Nerdy

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I'm going to start my second Whole 30 (I hope Whole 45) in a couple of weeks. I have looked around and see that cough drops are a no-no. I don't have any problem with that--I'm planning on doing a Whole 45 because I've gotten badly sugar-addicted and think I really need a 6-week reset--except that I wake up almost every night about ten minutes after I have fallen asleep with a scratchy throat. I've gotten very used to popping a cough drop in my mouth and going back to sleep, allowing it to slowly dissolve. Any substitutes come to mind to soothe a throat in the middle of the night? I could get up and gargle with salt water, but that would disrupt my sleep much more.

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Hi, thanks for posting. I have the same issue, can't seem to fall asleep without my throat being really dry. I  practice and/or teach hot yoga daily, which means I sweat a lot. I know all the tricks to staying hydrated but some nights my throat is still dry. Are there any alternatives to cough drops or lozenges that contain sugar? I have scoured my health food store as well as all the Amazon labels I can find.

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