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Christie's First Whole30 (Dec. 31-Jan. 30)


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While my "official start" is January 1, I figured I will jump that up a day because I am prepped for it. So, here it is ....

Day 0


Okay , I have only made it as far as breakfast so far today. This morning was three scrambled eggs and a cup of sautéed spinach. 500 mL of water, with Vitamin B, C, D and a tbsp of DHA/EPA oil. Topped off with a cup of black coffee. I forgot how much I liked my coffee black - especially since a dropped a few extra bucks on decent beans.


Well here I apparently slipped up and ate a delicious bowl of homemade potato soup. It was amazing. I almost cried putting the rest in mason jars and storing them in my freezer....guess what I am eating for lunch January 31?


Tonight we had left over roast beef cold, sprinkled with a smidge of fresh lime juice and chopped cilantro. Then we had mixed bell peppers, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and shrimp skewers baked in the over with a bit of crushed garlic and chopped cilantro.


While I have no plans to any "formal" exercise on tap for today - I am leaving a week between my whole 30 start and my gym start just to avoid overwhelming myself - we are taking the kiddos sledding today, we have two crazy carpets, a toboggan, and a GT Racer that we will be dragging up a pretty decent him for at least two hours this afternoon. So considering I will undoubtedly be hauling a three year old up the hill as well I will consider that my "life" exercise/play time for the day!

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So, Day 3....yeah I know excellent logging....

Breakfast: two scrambled eggs, 3/4 of a cup of baked sweet potato, cubed, and a serving size of pickerel left over from last night plus one black coffee, two cups of water and my standard vitamins (B,C,D) plus EPA/DHA

Lunch: Ginormous salad (seriously, we are talking 3 cups of fresh veggies) with 1.5 servings of roast chicken (left over from Tuesday) and homemade dressing.

Mid afternoon......Giant piece of Gingerbread! What? How did that happen?

I was cruising along okay not really feeling the craving for anything and before I knew it a humongous piece of cookie flew right off my fridge and into my mouth, followed promptly by the last piece of chocolate in the entire house. Then 10 minutes later I was like a crazy person....literally trolling the cupboards for anything that was sweet, it is mildly embarrassing, if funny, how intent I was on finding something, anything sweet...due to advance planning the only thing I found were gluten free crackers which I don't like so I didn't eat them. Now, a whole 30 minutes later I actually feel quite ill. Super. Nauseated. From a two by two inch piece of cookie. So that is good I guess. I have also downed about 750mL of water because my mouth tasted so overwhelmingly sweet and still does...time to throw some lime in there.

So, anyway. Whole30 Daily....reset to Day 1 tomorrow.

On tap for dinner is a moroccan spiced pork tenderloin, some roasted beets and some more salad....I may have underestimated just how huge a volume of veggies I would go through in 4 days.....

So I guess it is a live and learn, fall down, get up, start over kind of day.

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Day 1 Take 2!

Okay, so food wise I am feeling super confident. Mostly prepared...okay prepared there's pork, left over chicken, left over ginormous salad, some apples, a pear, some spinach, I think some left over roasted sweet potato, I have left over beets, .

I have gone through 2 dozen eggs! Insane! I love eggs though.

The hubs is excited to help menu plan and grocery list plan for next week....he positively lights up at the volume of meat we are buying. My kids are semi on board....beets are gross, carrots are only good if they are raw, what is that stuff I put on the broccoli, brussels sprouts smell like farts...blah, blah, blah. I have a hard time getting the oldest to eat meat but he is begrudgingly cooperating (like dinner takes 45 minutes, at least I know he is chewing his food lol *sigh).

Oh and I feel like crap. Like a car ran me over and forgot to leave insurance information before it left my room. My little "indulgence" yesterday is costing me dearly. If the worst parts of day 2, 3, and 4 had a baby that would be where I am today. I thought my headaches were related to caffeine withdrawal but, given I have had a cup of coffee yesterday and today and it is still raging that is obviously not the source. I am tired like no one's business. Like fall asleep on the couch and wake up to see lego filling the fish tank because I slept so soundly I didn't hear anything. And I seriously want to just hide in a cave. My kids both have that brutal chest virus that is going around, and I feel really bad but all I want to do is tell them to go away, I don't I just sit in a glider with them on me reading stories and pretending to care about who's car went down the hot wheels ramp faster. Why did I have boys? Even my dogs are driving me nuts. Like right now, the kids are playing in the dog kennel (my kids are weird) and arguing who has more pillow (I just cleaned the kennel, it's cool).

Oh god, I wish there was a way to sequester myself in a room for 6 days....

I will never eat sugar again! This is so not worth it.

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Day 2, Play it again Sam

Yeah so. I actually feel pretty decent today. Mostly emotionally stable. I can't lie, I went to bed at 10 because all I was doing was rummaging through my cupboards looking for something, anything to eat. Then I laid in bed until 1230 daydreaming about food. When I finally did knock off I dreamed about apples and pears baked in the oven with cinnamon and nutmeg. If that isn't a desperate plea from my brain I don't know what is.

So this morning we got up and I compromised....I made the baked apples with cinnamon and paired it with left over pork tenderloin for breakfast. This is the first full apple I have eaten in 5 days and I am not going to lie....I am going to chow down on it like it is manna from heaven.

Kids are still grumpy, colds will do that, I feel less like locking them in a closet though. So that's a bonus. Gonna take the two furry beasts out for an hour long walk this afternoon because I have this deep rooted need to move my body (also a bit strange after the basic coma I have been in for 4 days).

I also see my personal trainer today to set up a few sessions for the next month and a half.

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Well it is Day 3 (again)

Sorta having an uber lazy morning. We are having compliant bacon, some shredded sweet potato, and some eggies. Should be delicious, the bacon is in the oven now and smells DELICIOUS.

Lunch will be left over dinner from last night....salad, cauli-rice, and meat balls.

DInner is to be some uber delicious roasted red pepper soup with mixed greens and some spicy italian sausage (also compliant).

I have spent an inordinate amount of time reading labels lately and I have to be honest, I find myself extremely disappointed in everything that has sugar in it. Almost to the point of betrayal because, I don't think foods were always like that. I know as a kid I used to love Coca Cola Classic, and then around my mid-teens it got too sweet. So I switched to Pepsi. Then that changed too. So I stopped drinking pop. I bought a case of "classic Pepsi" over the summer because it was made with sugar rather than HFC, and it tasted so much better, not syrupy at all. I went and bought two cases to keep in the fridge and all people did was complain about how "not sweet" it was? Because 27g of sugar just isn't enough ???

Oh well, today is prep day, so gonna replenish the salad dressings and the mayo stocks for the week.

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Day 7 Whole30 Day 4


Two scrambled eggs, 1/2 cup sautéed spinach, 1/2 cup of shredded sweet potato, and my last two pieces of compliant bacon. Plus water, plus tea, plus Vitamin B, C, D and EPA/DH


Not entirely sure what I will have for lunch today...so many leftovers in the fridge to choose from....Red Pepper Soup and spicy meatballs? Salad, cauli-rice and roast beef? Turkey "burgers" minus the bun? Chicken Soup? The possibilities are endless and I am still stuffed from breakfast!


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So...today has been awesome. I was a little slow waking up but that has more to do with the bean being up several times last night and then I eventually just gave up and brought him in to bed with us. Ahhh, co-sleeping works every time. Got up had some breakfast. Drank two cups of water. Zero coffee (three days no headache). Took Alex to school. Went to the gym. Now I know I am not supposed to weigh myself but my trainer wanted to so he would have a starting point. I told him what I weighed on the 31st and we began....I tried not to look. I did. I swear. But I saw the number. I am down 6 lbs. Not a ridiculous amount but, definitely respectable. Here is the kicker, now I feel like I am entitled to some reward for my compliance. Not just any reward, a cookie reward. I am being strong. It is hard though because that is how I am used to rewarding myself. So to distract myself I am typing here.

I have noticed that my limited workout this morning has left me somewhat tired. Again, this could be more from last night's gassy kid episode than the gym. I am also feeling very ..... calm..... like I am here but somewhat detached and content. Unusual feeling but enjoyable, it's like someone lifted all the stress in the world off your shoulders for the first time ever. I don't want to over analyze it but I definitely think my eating has helped. My husband says I am a much happier person than I was two weeks ago. I don't want to say it is solely removing the grains and dairy from my diet....I think it has to do with staying 100% compliant - every meal I make that is compliant is like someone making a deposit in my personal reserve of awesome.


2 scrambled eggs (how I love eggs)

1/2 cup of shredded sweet potato and coconut oil

- I think on workout days i will definitely need to increase this in order to carry me through, workouts are sorta smack in the middle of the morning so it is too close to breakfast to snack before and too close to lunch to snack after. Add veg to the eggs to bulk it up a bit I think that is definitely a good way to go.


2 cups of Roasted Red Pepper and Avocado soup

2 pieces of Roast beef (I was starving)

- Again, on days where I workout I think it would be wise to increase my portions here a bit. Not necessarily meat but in the veggie side add a salad or left over veg from the night before.


Homemade turkey "burgers"

Side salad with homemade dressing

Grilled zucchini and mushroom skewers

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Day 7!!

Well, I made it through the day without my reward cookie....mostly because I just gave up and went to bed at 9pm. I was asleep instantly. I had weird, weird dreams. Lot's of things going out of control in my dream....can't help but think that is my own inner battle to stay on track playing out. I slept for 10.5 hours last night! It was AWESOME. And by awesome I mean AWESOME!

Got up and made some breakfast. Switched off the tv, sent the kids upstairs to play for a few hours before I throw them outside. Sitting and enjoying a cup of black coffee while I natter and surf a few blogs to figure out what to make for dinner.


Two eggs, an apple, and a homemade turkey patty SLATHERED in hot sauce!!


Since the hubs is home sick I think this will just be soup and salad again. That Red Pepper Soup is my new favourite meal. Add in some spicy sausage and bignormous salad. Or maybe I will steam asparagus.....humm


Julienned zucchini, homemade tomato sauce and italian meatballs!!! OMG I am loving this food!!!!

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So day 10 but W30 day 7

Well today was fraught with culinary traps but I survived. I rolled my self out of bed after another restless night of sleep...I seem to be alternating between one awesome night one crappy night. Oh well. Got the oldest to school then made the trek to the gym. I am pretty sure my trainer hates me or is punishing me in some way for giving up on myself a few months back. I wanted to puke, or pass out, ideally both. I survived the hour long workout from hell. Came home, picked up child, made lunch, and took kids to Chuck E. Cheese for a lunch/playdate. My first true out in public with my weird ways. Everything was fine. I didn't snack, or fall into the pop/soda dispenser. I actually didn't even desire to eat the "pizza". Three hours later I left with the requisite Chuck E. induced headache....unbelievably proud of myself for sticking with my guns. I got home, kids had some sort of major disagreement over a cartoon....head pounding, temper flaring (I still am not on an even emotional keel) I wandered into the pantry and opened the potty training treat box, pulled out a chocolate bell, unwrapped it, brought it up to my mouth and.....

put it back in the wrapper and put it back in the box! WHAT!!!!!! That is right, I survived chuck e. and resisted a stress induced chocolate binge. Please let me take a moment to revile in my pure awesomeness.

Now to ice my triceps, get a shower and get ready for bed in 3 hours....I am loving the sudden super relaxed nature of my evenings.


2 eggs with spinach and chopped peppers & mushrooms

1/2 cup of shredded sweet potato


1 bowl roasted red pepper and avocado soup

1 homemade turkey patty

1.5 cups (approx. about a side plate full) of tossed salad (lettuce, peppers, cuke, mushrooms, celery, shredded carrot)


6 Asparagus spears

3/4 cup of cubed roasted sweet potato (it was a starchy day due to the intensity of my workout)

1/2 cup of sauteed mushrooms

5 italian style meatballs

Day 7 in the can!

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W30 Day 8

So, I went to the gym again today. Another workout done. Perhaps it was a mistake to tell my trainer I did CrossFit in December. Perhaps it was another mistake to tell him, "I don't want the kind of workout you give overweight, stay at home moms who are coming in just to get away from their kids". Now, I should say I am an overweight, stay at home mom who goes to the gym to enjoy an hour away from her kids....I just don't want to be spending my time on an elliptical and weight machines when I can be doing heavy lifts and body weight workouts. I enjoy the burn....well, I actually hate the burn and today I was close to having a "biggest loser/crying in the gym" moment because of the burn but you push through.

This whole month (lol, 11 days, but it seems so much longer) has been about me pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Emotionally, physically, and culinarily. I think I have a handle on the eating...every day is a challenge but there is a lot of it that is becoming fairly automatic, which is nice. At the very least it's less stressful. I am so glad I decided not to evolve the gym until the second week. I couldn't even imagine dealing with the diet and the fact I am basically numb from the brain down by the time I leave the gym at the same time.

I think I have lost my train of thought. Oh well.

Regardless, I have decided that after my 30 days I am going to continue on, except I will allow the odd "treat". I have ordered Mark Sisson's "Primal Blueprint 90 Day Journal" (mainly because it is the only journal that is specifically geared towards this entire style of living. Yeah, living. I get that now. How one thing leads to another, which in turns leads to something else. This has been a long road for me, especially acknowledging my own culpability in where I am now, and I actually feel like I have my head wrapped around it.

So, when my 30 days are up I am going to start my journal and log my food, my sleep, and my exercise habits. Basically I am extending my W30 to a slightly more relaxed Whole90 type experience (with the pre-acknowledged decision to promptly jump right into a proper Whole30 if I notice I am sliding.


2 scrambled eggs with mushrooms, spinach and mixed diced peppers

chopped italian sausage


One turkey patty (homemade of course)

Generous portion of sweet potato - post workout meal....I was starving

mixed chopped veggies with a sprinkling of apple cider vinegar (OMG I love vinegar)


Steak & Shrimp

Roasted zucchini spears with sea salt

Roasted carrots with cinnamon

Cauliflower rice with lemon and herbs.

sauteed mushrooms

(this is my reward meal!) Ummmm it is going to be so delicious!

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Well, I bagged another successful Whole30 weekend...two down, two to go. Can't lie, I would love to have a beer tonight to unwind. Or zone out in front of the tv with some air popped popcorn while I watch Once Upon A Time but, I can't so no point in pouting...peppermint tea will have to do.

I found a giant chocolate covered rice crispy square in the cupboard yesterday, it is all I can think about. Why don't you throw it out? I have no idea. I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't even like rice crispy squares. I may have to task the hubs with it's removal.

I am starting to feel a little better. Or, I think I would be if I could just get rid of this damn chest cold....I have only had it since the 10th of December it just won't go away. I think it's loosening up though.

We did a tonne of cooking this weekend. There is Whole30 compliant chilli, a roasted carrot and ginger soup, a roast chicken, a half dozen hardboiled eggs, 3/4's of a head of cauliflower rice, some steamed carrots, a steak, and a pork tenderloin. I may take a crack at the egg "muffins" everyone is talking about....except I love fresh cooked eggs not reheated (ughhh, I am so needy).

So, onward and upward to day 14 but Whole 30 day 11!


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On to Day 14 Whole30 Day 11

Well, I added another "slept like the dead" night into my portfolio. Holy, one minute I was awake thinking about cookies (I have an obsession right now) then next I knew I was hanging out with Optimus Prime....yeah, I can't quite figure out why I was dreaming about transformers but, whatever...it was a seriously awesome dream.

Think my body is caught in a loop of "kill all the things" and "must eat sugar now" with a few random "i feel awesome" moments thrown in. My body is at war with itself. I never know from day to day what it is going to surprise me with . It does make trips to the washroom more interesting.

I have officially hit the point where I wished I lived in the US just for the ability to order things like the pre-made paleo meals. Damn our stupid border restrictions. I mean, canada is practically america....sorta - we are like siblings. Ughh

I woke up hungry this morning. Like RAVENOUS! I thought my stomach was upset at first, it's been that long since I truly felt "empty" I didn't recognize it at first. Came downstairs had some water, some vitamins, a turkey patty, a banana and some steamed carrots....is that a weird breakfast? My definition of breakfast is mutating from "breakfast" to "supper before the sun rises".

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Well, I pooched today. That's cool. I would like to say it was worth it but it wasn't. I knew the minute I ate it it wouldn't be worth it. I knew that I would have to start over. Oh well. I own it. I choose poorly. I am the weakest link. So, in honour of pooching the day I am adding 11 more days to my Whole30....because saying I am starting over is just too painful. lol

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An excellent third "first" day. Rocked breakfast. Killed my workout (or rather it killed me, but I did it so whatever) came home....famished, ate a nicely balanced meal. Didn't snack...oh wait yes I did, I had about 6-7 macadamias and an apple because my tummy was rumbling and I was hungry (someone didn't eat a big enough lunch) now I am locked in my room while the hubs warms up the chicken, cauli-rice, broccoli, and carrots that were in the fridge for dinner!

I was feeling super down on myself for the slip yesterday, but my trainer did point out to me that, by normal standards, my diet the past two weeks has been AMAZINGLY bang on, even with the chocolate. It sometimes helps to have someone put things in perspective for you. Sort of remind you of the fact that in the grand scheme of things you really are making tremendous changes and they are panning out.

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