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Gum and Reintroducion


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Wondering about gum and reintroduction... seems silly, but I have missed my gum A LOT and having fresh breath! This really was the worse for me.  

Prior to Whole30 I did my best to stay away from aspartame gums and limit my chewing to after meals. What are your thoughts or suggestions? I did try chewing mint leaves and bought the WOW drops (disgusting!). Thanks! 

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The reason for eliminating gum during Whole30 is more about the messed up signals it sends to your digestive tract (you're chewing, so it's expecting food and not getting any). Someone else might have a different answer, but it seems like if you want to reintroduce gum as part of your food freedom, that would be your call. Maybe wait and reintroduce it separately?

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Yep, if it's something you eliminated and want to reintroduce to see how it effects you, then you do like anything else. I would try chewing gum at different points on a couple different days and see how you do. I would watch for gas, bloat, indigestion and increased hunger and cravings.

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