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Day 6, work is the enemy!


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Hi all,

Just finished day 6 and am feeling really good. This is my 4th time starting the Whole30. I’ve never finished! The longest I’ve gone is 19 days. My problem is my work.

I work in a stressful environment where I’m usually working until midnight. And one of my coworkers is really mean and only seems to be nice to me when I accept his offers of chocolate or nachos or gum.. 

Im nervous because I may have to work with him again soon. I know he can’t force me to eat, but how can I successfully decline and not let my stressful, late night schedule ruin my eating plan?!? 

(I always pack lunch)

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Well... um... definitely don't take food from that guy... he sounds like a manipulator or at the very least just unpleasant to be around.  

Make sure you're eating 3 satiating meals a day, bring yourself a mini meal if you think that you might only get through by eating your own item than nachos or chocolate and then just power through.  Drink lots of water and tea and remember, eating doesn't actually make the stress of the job go away... if eating a donut or nachos meant actual work removed itself from my desk, then I'd be all in, but food as stress relief doesn't work like that so there's not much point in eating the offending food because then the work will still be there AND you'll have busted your W30 AND maybe even eaten something that makes you feel uncomfortable or ill.

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Thank you guys so much for the support. This guy is an ass! And Work is stressful - but you’re right, food won’t fix any of that. I didn’t even realize how emotional an issue this was for me until I wrote it down. And thinking about how food won’t make it any better, on the surface level I know that; but sometimes in the moment it seems like it will.

thanks team, I’m over packing my lunch today!

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Sometimes you really can't notice what the main issue is until you write it down and put it out there in public (which can be SO HARD!!). So good for you for putting it out there. 

You've got it spot on: the food isn't the problem. That co-worker and his attitude is. You're stronger than his nachos and you've got this whole forum here to back you up and give you a hand when you need it. 

Go kick some butt.

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